43. Save The Good Memories For Later... (Day 6)

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Hey all. One quick thing before you start reading. I'm not sure how many of you noticed, but I added a dew pages to the previous chapter. I was going to put it was a separate chapter and everything but then it was pretty short, so I just merged it.

Once you've read that then you may continue :D

Happy reading...


Chapter 44- Save The Good Memories For Later... (Day 6)

 The Triton Kings were taking a little adventure of their own. We all were just exploring and after Hayden told us that there was some secret building that hasn't been in use for years, Abigale instantly agreed that we go check it out. 

"How much longer?" Natalya asked as she clung to Bryon. He laughed and wrapped his arm tighter around her. 

"Not much longer Talya," Bryon said smiling at her. Everyone stopped and turned to look at them. 

"Talya?" Hayden asked him with a smile tugging at his lips. 

"Why is everyone looking at me like that?" Bryon asked.

"We've been trying to get a nickname for her from forever," Jenna stated.

"Well you guys can go get your own. That name was original and all me, so back off," Bryon barked playfully.

"Well, what nickname should we use then? I kind of didn't like Nat," Abigale said.

"Well you're not the one who was actually called that. I told James I didn't like it, but he spread it all over the place and before you know it, everyone now knew my nickname was Nat," Natalya said.

"Well, how about....hmmm...how about," Bryon tried to think, "how about Lia...oh wait, Tia. Yeah, that's perfect for you guys," he continued and my breath hitched at my throat. Tia? Tears flooded my eyes and I looked away from them.

"Zara, what's wrong?" Hayden asked and he was immediately by my side. I couldn't...I couldn't take it right now. I just backed away from him and started running.

Tia, I miss her so much. How could he have killed her? She was barely one year old!

 My feet came to a stop when I looked wide-eyed at the beautiful building came to view. Even though a few weeds had grown on the walls, it made it stand out even more. There was a pathway going up so I eagerly followed it, trying to see more.

"Zara!" I heard the others shout out, but I was too focussed on the building. You could tell it was ancient because of the type of material used to build it. Although the door was gone, along with most of the windows I couldn't help but feel...amazed with it. I walked in and tried to avoid any object on the ground.

"Zara, what the hell?" Hayden said as he came behind me. He wrapped his arm around me pulling me back.

"No, don't, I'm fine," I told him in a small voice. He sighed and reluctantly let me go.

"Guys, she's in here!" he informed the others. One by one they all came in looking around. I walked into a room and saw a huge piano sitting there. It was completely covered in dust.

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