28. I Don't Know What To Do.

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Chapter 28- I Don’t Know What To Do.

Hayden's POV

I heard a familiar voice shout out. Too familiar, to be exact. I sighed and closed my eyes as I in fact smelled her scent all over the grounds. Didn't I tell her to stay at the house and wait for me to come back. When I opened my eyes, I saw my mate wrapped in the arms of one of the rouges. The leader of the rouges. This made me growl at the sight.

"Mine," I growled loudly as I immediately stepped forward but James held me back. I looked back to glare at him.

"Wait for it," he said pointing to the rouges. I turned around and saw that they had pulled away from each other, Zara's legs were now on the floor.

"What's up little sis?" the rouge asked. Wait, did he just say little sis? What's that suppose to mean? Sister- as in blood sister...as in related???

"Nothing much, I thought I'd never see you again," Zara replied.

"Yeah, me too then I heard this badass, or so-called if you will, is the mate of my sister. When I heard that, I was like 'that dude's in soooo much trouble," he said and Zara laughed.

"Yeah, but he still is pretty badass if I do say so myself," she said, "but I could still kick his ass." I snickered as I folded my arms. She said it like I wasn't even here. I heard the guys laugh behind me so I rolled my eyes.

"Aright, I think we should bring this somewhere else seeing that there are a few on-lookers," Logan said.

"We aren't letting rogues---" I was about to say when Zara cut me off.

"Yeah, that'll be a great idea. Let's go," she said then linked her arm with this 'Lucas' person, allowing the rest of his group to follow him.

"Are you even o.k. with that much rouges in the house, Almighty Alpha," Conner teased. I growled a warning at him then walked to catch up Zara.

"Uhh, Zara can I have a word with you...now," I demanded.

"Can it wait for a moment, Hayden? I'll talk to you when I get home,"


"Oy, dude she said she'll talk to you later. Can you please give her some breathing space," Lucas said, "oh and lose the arm from around her waist."

I growled and stared him down then Zara ran her hand up and down my arm to calm me down. I looked down in her eyes and sighed. This isn't gonna be easy...


As soon as we made our way up to the house.

"This is your house?" one of the rouges asked. I rolled my eyes.

"No, we just suddenly decided to stop by, push a key in the front door and wait," I said sarcastically.

"Don't have to be so rude, jeez," he replied, "asshole," he muttered afterwards. I turned around and stood directly in front of him. He had light brown hair with dark green eyes. His face had few spots on it.

"Never, and I mean never, call me that, mutt," I said to him. He looked about ready to punch my eye out but dear ol' Lucas got up and came forward.

"Hey, watch how your talking to my friend, big boy," he said shoving my chest. I glared at him and shoved him back.

"Watch how you touch me," I said, "or better yet, don't touch me at all." He glared back at me and shoved me harder. Then we started shoving each other harder and harder until Zara came down and shouted at us to stop. We stopped immediately.

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