Chapter 4: Working Together~ A Beast!

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*Toba's P.O.V*

I watched as Ciel and Crystal exited the carriage through its hidden back door.

"Good luck, Tob-Katori-chan," said Crystal as she smiled at me.

"Thank you," I said as I smiled.

After they were hidden safely with the spy equipment I had given them so they could keep a track/watch of what was happening inside, Sebastian rung the doorbell on the large gate. A lady in a maid uniform came rushing over to the gate.

"You must be Lady Cally, yes?" asked the maid as she smiled.

"Yes," I said. "I am here to visit the Lord of this household," I said with a smile/

"Yes," said the maid as she opened the gate. "Come right in. I shall lead you to Sir's office."

I then entered with Sebastian following behind me. We walked a round about hallway to the fellow's office. After reaching the room, the maid, whose name I had learnt to be Bertha, knocked on the door and announced our arrival.

"Come in," I heard a smooth voice say.

Bertha then opened the door for us to come in. I walked in and looked to see a man with dirty blonde hair and piercing dark blue eyes.

"Hello, Sir Johnson," I said with a smile and a shy wave.

The man smiled and said, "He-"

"Hello, my stunningly, fantastic, angelic dove that just so happen to appear from the heavens above on this fine, lucky day of mine!" shouted and interrupted a very energetic/charismatic Viscount Druitt.

I made myself blush and said, "Oh my... You seem to be in high spirits Viscount."

"Ah~ Yes! I am in such high spirits, that I cannot contain myself any longer!" spouted the Viscount. "How about we escape this wretched place, and find a place of our own! A place, a place, where we can be together forever, and-"

"How rude of you Viscount," said Amet. "Trying to steal away that sweet angel away from her dear husband, and my guest at that."

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Johnny," said Viscount Druitt. "What on Earth was I thinking! Of course a valuable woman such as yourself would have already been stolen from me! I wish you the most happiness with that lucky man, and I bid you farewell, my angel. For you see, I must be on my way to prepare for tomorrow's grand ball!"

Viscount Druitt then kissed my hand and left.

I can see why Ciel and Sebastian suspected him... What a flirtatious man... I thought.

"Now, that he's gone," said Sir Johnson. "We can just have a chat between ourselves. Please, take a seat Lady Cally."

I sat down in my chair like an obedient houseguest.

"That young man over there must be your butler," said Johnson as he glanced at Sebastian.

"Yes," I said. "His name's Wilson... Wilson Anders."

"Ah," said Johnson as he smiled and nodded his head. "Mr. Anders... Would you mind letting Mrs. Cally and I talk in private?"

"No, sir," said Sebastian or Wilson as he exited the room behind Bertha.

After the two servants left, we began to engage in conversation. At least an hour had passed by the time Johnson suggested that we drink some tea. I had accepted his generous offer and told him anything would be fine, but I prefered Earl Grey. I smiled as the cup of tea was given to me by Bertha, who quickly left afterward.

One Hell Of A Master (Sebastian x Male!OC/Reader x Ciel)Where stories live. Discover now