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I wanted to thank every one for commenting, voting, sharing, and just reading this story! When I wrote the first chapter, I did not think it would come this far! But... Here we are!

:D I just wanted to give an honest thank you to all of you who stayed till this point! I know I'm using so many exclamation points. '^^ But! You guys are just the best! And, I wanted to show you that by giving you Thugisa Christmas Carols! And a picture of the world in a mug!

\(^.^)/ Wuv you guys!

Also, I plan on updating one or two of my, I actually counted xD, around 15? stories! Yup... I was quite the busy bee... lol...

P.S. Christmas Carols from 50% Off by Octopimp with the use of Free! Characters XD

Have a great day/night/afternoon!

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