Chapter 8: Finally the Story of the Young Master!

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*Toba's P.O.V*

I smiled as I sat in the main office of the Phantomhive Manner.

"Wow," I said. "This place is amazing!"

"Thank you," said Ciel. "Now, let's get on with buisness."

I sighed. "Okay then."

I then took of the pendant that had been given to me at birth. I handed it to Crystal as she nodded and began to say a few words that sounded like what you would hear a foreign gypsy say.

I smiled as the stone glowed and I began to mutter the words needed to complete the process. I said: "My spirit may never die, for I am forever alive. My one request is for people to know of my endless case, my forever story, my immortal life."

Then there was a bright light and Ciel, Sebastian, Crystal, and I were floating in a black space.

"What's going on?"

"Don't worry," I said. "My time is just being remembered is all."


"It's far too complicated to explain and far too hard for someone like you or Sebastian to understand... Just be patient," I interrupted Ciel.

Ciel rolled his eye and crossed his arms.

We eventually landed safely in a white and silver room.

I walked over to the door of the room which was actually more of a blue color.

I unlocked a door and led the group in. We walked down the floral path that was filled with black and white tulips.

"Why tulips?" asked Ciel as he looked at the flowers.

"They're my favorite kind of flower," I responded.

"But," said Ciel. "They're so plain..."

I smiled and said, "That's what makes them so adorable."

Ciel had a confused look on his face but then went back to normal afterwards.

We continued walking for a couple more minutes until we hit the garden and then we were met with another bright light.

Crying could be heard as we arrived in whatever room we were in.

"We would love to name her Kinami," said a gentle voice, or my mom's voice.

"Her?" asked the nurse as she giggled. "Madam, your baby is a boy."

"A boy?!" blurted out my mother and father.

"Yup," said the nurse.

My parents were in an utter panic. The last time they had a boy was my brother and since then they had had two girls... And from both of my grandmothers' record they thought I was definitely going to be a girl.

"Mister and Misses Ukari-sama?" asked the kind nurse.

"What about Ari?" asked my father.

"That's good but I want something unique," said my mother.

"It's still pretty new, isn't it?"

"How about something with a bit more of a cute ring to it?"

"How much cuter can you get?" asked my father.

My mother rose an eyebrow at him.

"I mean, look at him."

"How about..." said my mother as she drifted of into thought. "Tobahiko?"

"That's a bit..."

"Adorable, huh," said my mother as she smiled. "My little Hiko-kun."

"I guess if you already have a nickname for him..." said my father as he grinned.

"Thus, my name became Tobahiko," I said as we teleported into a white room.

Ciel rolled his eyes. "Is that it?"

"Nope," I said. "I want you to know more about me. I mean, that's what we came here for right."

We then found ourselves walking on another path. The path that was filled with a variety of colors and butterflies fluttered all around. At the end of the path, was my childhood.

We watched as the mini-me ran around playing and humming whatever tune came into his mind. The boy then found a kitten and took it to his large mansion that had stood on the grassy hill many millennium before he was born. The kitten was a blue color. The boy found it strange, but not strange at the same time. It was a weird feeling. He actually shouldn't have found such a creature odd, at least, not in this world.

As he washed the kitten in the tub, a wolf with the silkiest of white fur and big blue eyes, came in. The wolf didn't seem to mind the boy that much, neither did he mind the cat. The wolf the transformed into a beautiful young lady, known to all who was watching as Crystal.

Crystal sighed. "What's your name kitty?"

The cat turned into a boy all of the sudden and tilted his head to the side.

"He's a demon neko!" shouted the mini-Toba as he smiled.

The cat turned to look at the mini-me and smiled.

"Do you have a name?" asked Crystal in the language.

The blue haired neko shook his head "no."

The mini-me then smiled and said, "I want to name him!"

Crystal sweat dropped and said, "He's not a pet... He's a real boy."

"Yeah," said mini-me. "But..."

"Fine," said Crystal. "What's his name going to be?"

"Brian-kun!" mini-me blurted out.

"Nice," said Crystal.

I then smiled and said, "That day, we adopted our first, and not at all last, stray."

Next, was my meeting with the twins, and then my meeting with Ufafou, and finally, my arrival to what is now London.

"Toba-kun," said the past Crystal as she awoke the much younger me from the past slumber.

The younger me awoke and yawned. "Is it time to go already?"

"Yes," said Crystal. "Time to go to the dimension of the human."

Mini-me traveled through the portal along Crystal and my other friends I had acquired in the curtain dimension we had been raised in and we left to the new world. My family and I had built our home, which would grow to a mansion over time, and became friends with the locals. Eventually, we became friends with the king and queen of the nearby people and began the legacy of the Ukari family.

With that, the tour of my past, had ended.

One Hell Of A Master (Sebastian x Male!OC/Reader x Ciel)Where stories live. Discover now