Chapter 9: Meow Meow!

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It had been a few weeks since I told my story. Since that time we had a few missions here and there and lots of paperwork. I smiled as I heard the clatter of the horses' hooves on the ground making their way to the young Phantomhive's house. I had decided to stop by and surprise Ciel, since I knew that he would be just doing paperwork today.

Once we arrived, I rushed out of my carriage and enthusiastically knocked on the door. However, no one answered. I then knocked yet again. No response. After a few minutes of waiting for nothing, I decided to let myself in. I know it's rude and all, but, I am part demon, you know!

I then entered the building and heard the sound of something breaking. I rushed to the scene and saw Mey Rin with quite a bit of destroyed plates in front of her.

"How did this happen?" I asked.

"Well..." said Mey Rin as she began to sweep up the pieces.

I then shook my head. I honestly didn't know why Mey Rin wore those glasses anyway... Well, I guess, it's because of her past and all that. But seriously!

I then sighed. "Where's Ciel and Sebastian?"

"Oh, Ciel went out with Lady Elizabeth, and Sebastian is out in the garden area," said Mey Rin as she smiled.

"I guess I'm going to go and see Sebastian then," I said with a smiled and thanked Mey Rin for telling me.

I walked down the hall and bumped into Finny.

"Oh," said Finny. "Hello, Toba-kun!" cheered the dandelion yellow haired boy as he grinned.

"Hello, Finny-kun," I said with a smile.

"Are you here to see Sebastian?" asked Finny.

"Actually, I came to see Ciel more so than Sebastian, but it seems that he's out today," I said.

"That's too bad," said Finny.

"Welp," I said. "I guess I'll go talk with Sebastian instead!"

"Oh," said Finny. "Okay, see you later then!"

I then left to the garden. I smiled as the scent of the flowers filled my nostrils. It reminded me of home... Anywho, where is Sebastian!

I searched and found nothing. Had he used some form of demon magic or something to disappear! What the freakin' heck?!

I then heard purring coming from not to far. I decided to follow the purrs and found myself in the far back of the garden watching a very... interesting scene. Sebastian was happily cuddling with a very cute black kitten that had one white patch around its eye.

"Sebastian?" I then asked with a small "ahem".

Sebastian then looked up with a slight blush on his cheeks. "Oh," he said. "Nice to see you again, Toba-kun."

"Same," I said. "What are you doing?"

"Well," said Sebastian. "This... um... furry little creature was being a nuisance to the other servants and... well... I'm on the verge of getting rid of... it."

"You like cats, don't you?"

"Well... yes. They are the most amazing things on this planet. They're such elegant and prideful beings... It just makes me want to eat them up!"

I coughed a little and said, "Well... I'll leave you be then."

The kitten then jumped out of Sebastian's arms and ran up to me. He purred and nuzzled my leg.

"Toba-kun?" asked Sebastian.


"You're part neko right?" asked Sebastian with a smirk.

I gulped.

*Author's P.O.V*

Ciel walked into his humble abode and sighed. He was extremely exhausted. Elizabeth wanted to go to so many places in one day. At this point, all the Earl wanted to do was take a warm bath, drink some of his favorite tea, and then rest.

He then went on the search for Sebastian, the one who would draw his bath and make his tea. He searched for a while and found nothing. So, he decided to go and ask one of the other servants if they knew anything. For some reason, he couldn't find Finny or Mey Rin anywhere, so he decided to ask Bardroy and Tanaka, who were having a small chat in the kitchen.

"Last I seen Sebastian, he was heading off to his room," said Bardroy.

Tanaka nodded his head in agreement and smiled.

Ciel then nodded his head and said, "Thank you."

Ciel then went to his butler's room, and saw Mei Rin and Finny at the door. Their faces were red and Mei Rin's nose had blood leaking from it.

"What are you doing?" Ciel then asked.

"Y-y-y-young master!" blurted out the two.

Ciel then began to tap his foot on the ground.

"Y-y-you shouldn't be here!" blurted Mei Rin. "Please, this isn't the type of thing that you should... um... be a witness to."

"What are you tal-"

Ciel then heard moans and "ooo"s and "aaa"s come from behind Sebastian's door. Ciel coughed and said, "Oh... Well, now I see what you're saying."

Ciel then took a deep breath. He then walked closer to the door and prepared to knock.

Mei Rin grabbed his hand and said, "What are you doing, Ciel? You can't interrupt someone when their... you know."

"He's my butler and I can do whatever I want with him, and that is not to be taken out of context," said Ciel. "Besides, he should have done this on his own, not using an innocent bystander."

Ciel then knocked on the door. There was no response, just more sounds. He then knocked again. No response. He then continued this for about 5 minutes until he got completely fed up. So, he decided to go ahead and use the keys of the house to unlock the door.

When he opened the door, he saw Sebastian on his bed with a very red faced neko Toba-kun... fully clothed! Ciel thanked the heavens. However, that didn't stop him from being furious.

"What the heck is going on in here!" Ciel yelled.

"Sebastian really likes cats, Ciel-kun," said Toba-kun with a hazy expression.

Ciel blushed slightly and said, "Mei Rin, Finny."

"Yes!" cheered both of them.

"Please escort Toba-kun to his room," said Ciel.

The two nodded and helped Toba-kun to his room.

"Ready for me to draw your bath young master?" questioned Sebastian as he fixed himself up.


"Make your tea?"

"Of course."

"Put you to sleep and then play with my new kitten."

"Sleep, yes, but touch Toba-kun again and you'll regret it," said Ciel as he glared at Sebastian.

Sebastian smirked slightly. "Jealous?"

"No," said Ciel.

"That's good," said Sebastian. "I wouldn't want you to be scared of me taking away your new pawn, or interfering with the plans."

"Of course I have no such fear," said Ciel. "I mean, you are my loyal butler."

"Yes, my lord," said Sebastian as he smiled.

One Hell Of A Master (Sebastian x Male!OC/Reader x Ciel)Where stories live. Discover now