Extra {1}: Onsens and Yukatas (Lemon)

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Extra {1}: Onsens and Yukatas

WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is a lemon!!!!!!!!!!! Rated 18+ people! Thy has been warned! Mature content ahead!!! Lemon means mature content! Mind you, for those who are going to continue, this is my first lemon... So... Yeah!

Btw, I thought that picture was just hilarious! And perfect for this chapter! lol ^.^ :D

*Toba's P.O.V*

It was Akazeto, Ciel, Sebastian, and my first year anniversary! I was extremely excited because we were going to an onsen! I had never been to one before, but I heard it was quite relaxing.

I packed all of my things with a big smile on my face.

Crystal then burst into my room and walked over to me.

"Crystal?" I asked as I sat next to her.

She looked at me and said, "I wanted to let you know that I approve."

"Excuse me?" I questioned.

"I approve," said Crystal. "Whatever may happen, I approve. But, if those boys hurt you, I will cut them off. I will cut all of them off, except yours of course."

"I'm still not following," I said as I looked even more confused.

I watched as Crystal walked out of the room continuing to mutter something about cutting all of them off.

I shook my head and continued to pack. That was weird, but... whatever! I still can't wait till the trip.

The plane ride was long and tiring, but we still made it there. I watched as Sebastian walked over and spoke to a young woman in Japanese. It kind of ticked me off that she was being all blushy and stuff, but she eventually stopped noticing my death glare. Hehehe... Not letting that happen again.

We were then taken to a nice big building that looked quite calming and relaxing. I happily hopped out of the carriage and ran inside.

"Toba!" yelled Akazeto as he chased after me.

"It's humongous!" I yelled as I looked around. "So many public baths!"

"You mean springs," said Sebastian as he followed carrying some of the bags.

Ciel followed as well with a bag or two.

"Welcome," said the man at the counter.

"Ukari, Toba," I chirped as I smiled. "I made an appointment!"

The man looked at me in shock and even blushed slightly. "Well, yes... Let's check the schedule."

He then found my reservation and led us to our room. We entered our room and I smiled. There were actually futons! Real for real futons! I squealed and lay on one. For something that looked kind of flat, it felt so snug and warm.

I then heard the door slam and looked up to see a kind of ticked of Sebastian, Ciel, and Akazeto.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing," they all grumbled.

I tilted my head and then chose to ignore it. I then got up and stretched. "Well," I said, not noticing the eyes that spotted the small patch of exposed skin on my stomach. "I guess I'll go get some ice cream!"

"What?" asked the males.

"We can enjoy the spring later," I said. "Now, let's go get some ice cream!"

*Author's P.O.V*

Toba went out with the boys. Ciel seemed slightly embarrassed, Sebastian seemed calm and irritated at the same time, and Akazeto seemed normal, but a little antsy. Toba could tell that the boys were planning something, and, through asking his second older sister Hitomi, he had an idea of what that plan was. However, Toba wanted to do anything he could to prevent it! Not because he didn't want to do it, but because losing his virginity sounded scary! He heard it was supposed to feel nice... But...

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