Chapter 12: Visiting the Market

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*Warning* Kind of Kiss, kiss scene... Nothing big, like, a... you-know-what-scene... But... I tried... To make it a little... I'm sorry if it sucks... I really need to improve on those kind of scenes, but I'll still try hard! >.< I mean, I'm kind of hoping to have a scene for those who want you-know-what at the end... P.S. for those of you who are worried about the rating for it when it comes to that point...(Not that I've had complaints about it) I'll put mature content on it when the time comes... (Or I'll just make two separate one-shot books for it so that the readers can choose which one they want to read... You guys can decide on where I should put the scenes, like in this book or separate ones, but I'll let you know since the scene, unless said otherwise, should be at the end...) So... yeah...

*Toba's P.O.V*

I sighed as I continued doing paperwork. It was a mess! Since I had been gone for two days, instead of one, I had piled up so many things! The most dreadful part isn't even the work... It's the fact that since Ciel was the way he is, he was able to finish his work and be able to just relax! He bragged about it the whole time we were on the phone.

I know, I'm part demon and I should be able to do this in no time, but... Well... it's quite a bit of paperwork that is quite delicate and... Okay, my demonic powers don't work when it comes to things like paperwork and such! For example, if I even tried to skim through all of this and finish it, there would be so many mistakes that it would surely look like I rushed through it...

I then grumbled a curse as I leaned back in my chair.

"Looks like the demon kitty needs help," said a familiar voice that I didn't feel like hearing right now.

"What do you want Sebastian?" I hissed.

"No honorific?" questioned Sebastian as he smirked. "You must be in some real trouble."

I rolled my eyes. "I just have a pile of work."

"That's too bad," pouted Sebastian. "Does the cute little kitty some help with his work?"

"Not from you," I muttered.

"You really are in a horrible mood, Toba-kun," said Sebastian as he sighed.

I looked up noticing that the word 'kitty' wasn't in his sentence.

"How about you take a break?" asked Sebastian as he smiled.

"A break?!" I exclaimed. "If I took a break, then that would make the work even worse!"

"You're a demon, aren't you. You shouldn't need sleep all that much," said Sebastian.

"I'm also part human," I said. "I need at least three hours of sleep to be able to run properly the next day."

"An all nighter won't matter then," said Sebastian. "You'd still get your three hour nap."

I shook my head. "I have a meeting with a very rich man tomorrow. He wants me to be there as early as possible."

"Well, then, want me to help you?" asked Sebastian as he gave me an earnest look.

"Why do you want me to get done with work so bad?" I asked becoming suspicious.

Sebastian... blushed? "Well..."


"I was wondering if maybe you'd like to go out with me to the supermarket?"

I tilted my head to the side confused. "Are you asking me out?"

Sebastian coughed into his hand. "It's just that we haven't really... interacted with each other since... well... that time."

I blushed, even though I knew it wasn't that big of a deal... It still made me pretty embarrassed. "Oh..."

One Hell Of A Master (Sebastian x Male!OC/Reader x Ciel)Where stories live. Discover now