Chapter 25: "I Can Already See the Ending"

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*Toba's P.O.V*

My mind was racing. I didn't know what to do. I felt so lost... On one hand, I didn't want to lose Akazeto again and I wanted to be with him. But, on the other hand, I wanted to move on. I wanted to belief that there was a possibility of a new life for me... I wanted...

"Do you have to choose?" asked the figure. "Do you really have to?"

"What do you mean?" I asked the figure.

"What if you could be selfish for a change," said the figure. "What if you could have it all?"


"What if you could take my hand in this moment and, I could show you a whole new experience!"

I gulped. I didn't want to deal with this. So many people were looking at me. So many were asking me to do something. They all wanted me to make a choice. They all wanted me to make a decision right here and right now.

"Aren't they being selfish?" asked the figure. "Why can't you?"


"They're all the same. All selfish people who are putting everything on you," said the figure. "But, what do you get? Someone will despise you in the end? So, why? Why can't you be selfish for once! Why can't you give into your own form of pleasure!"

I shook my head. I didn't want to listen to this thing, but... it was right... Why couldn't I be selfish? Everybody was at one point... But, I never got what I wanted. Why did I have to choose? Why?

As I was thinking this, I found myself sticking out my hand to the figure. I didn't want this... I didn't want to be here... I wanted to escape. I wanted to... I wanted to...

"I choose to go with you, MishiWaru-sama,"(Mee-she WaRu) I said feeling as part of my body felt like it was drifting away.

"You!" shouted Akazeto. This was the last thing I heard, before I felt my soul lose consciousness. Guess, I ran away again~ Gomen ne, everyone.

*Author's P.O.V*

Everyone looked in shock as a tall dark figure appeared. It was cloaked in black and had neon green eyes and hair. The figure that looked like a male human, also had large claws that ran for at least 6 inches.

"You!" Akazeto shouted as the figure held Toba in its hands.

"We meet again, Aka-chan~" chirped the evil being.

"What are you doing with Toba?!" yelled Akazeto. "You only said that you would bring me back to life!"

"I did bring you back, though," said the figure.

"Then, why are you here?!" yelled Akazeto.

"I already brought you back to life," said the figure. "Now, it's time for my payment. The payment of losing the one you love..."

"What?" asked Crystal, Akazeto, Sebastian, and Ciel.

"We shook on it, yes?" chuckled the figure.

"You never mentioned any of that!" yelled an enraged Akazeto.

"You should have expected as much, yes," said the figure. "I'm made of pure evil... A gooddoer like yourself should have noticed that.

"But, why did you do it?!" yelled Crystal. "Why do you want Toba?! What did he ever do?!"

"I have my reasons," said the monster as it looked away. It then made a portal appear as time slowed down. It chuckled. "Tata! I have a cute mix to fully mark~ And then maybe kill, if he doesn't satisfy me, that is~"

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