Chapter 17: Beach Day! Part 2: Bassy~kun~!

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Chapter 17: Beach day! Part 2: Bassy~kun~!

*Ciel's P.O.V*

I looked over at Sebastian as his eyebrow twitched. I excused myself from Elizabeth and our sand castle building to find out what was wrong with him.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I stolled over to him.

"It's here," hissed Sebastian as he grabbed my hand and sped off.

We arrived at where Toba and... Grell! were.

"Let go of me you he-she!" yelled Toba as he struggled in the reaper's grip.

"Who are you calling a "she-he"! You little brat! I can tear you limb from limb!" roared Grell as he pulled out his chainsaw with his free hand that wasn't holding Toba's wrist.

"Grell," said Sebastian as his face wreaked of irritation.

"Bassy-chan!" yelled Grell as he rushed over to Sebastian.

"Are you okay, Toba-kun?" I asked as I helped him up.

Toba nodded his head. "So, that's Grell?"

"Yes," I said. "He's a friend of Sebastian's."

Toba glanced at the two. "They seem a bit too friendly to be friends to me..."

I glanced at Toba, his tone had scared me... It sounded as if he was jealous. However, he actually looked unfazed, but just to make sure... "Are you jealous, perhaps?"

Toba shook his head. "Not at all... I actually think they would make a cute couple. Just like you and Lizzy."

I internally sighed at the last part. It made me feel a little ill, emotionally that is.

"Ciel?" questioned Toba as he looked at me with worried eyes.

"Yes," I said. "We would make a cute couple."

"You do make a cute couple," said Toba as he smiled at me.

That smile actually hurt twice as much as the words themselves.

"So, who's the second shorty?" asked Grell as he smiled at Toba.

"His name is Ukari, Toba," said Sebastian as he sighed. "I'm pretty sure you've heard of him... He's a demon mixed with other things after all."

"Ukari Toba-kun!" squealed Grell as he grabbed Toba's hands."You mean you're the middle child of that gorgeous family!"

Toba nodded his head, and from his face I could tell he was terrified of the closeness of Grell's face to his.

"What does the Ukari family have to do with you?" I asked as I felt annoyed by the reaper.

"Have you not seen the father of this child!" exclaimed Grell as he shook Toba. "He is a gorgeous beast! And, if I didn't want to stroll over to the dark side, I would have fallen for that stunning woman that is also known as this boy's mother! Not to mention his onii-chan! He's fine as..."

Sebastian then coughed slightly. "Are you done?" he questioned.

Grell grinned and said, "Yes, yes."

"Would you like to join us on the beach?" asked Toba as he smiled.

"Oh, yes!" exclaimed Grell as he grabbed Toba's hand and rushed of to the beach.

Mine and Sebastian's eye twitched. Sebastian then grabbed my hand and rushed to where everyone else was.

When we arrived, Toba was being forced into building a sandcastle for Grell.

"That's a good boy, Toba!" cheered Grell as he smiled. "Build that castle!"

I couldn't help but chuckle as Toba struggled with the castle.

After he had finished, Toba smiled victoriously. It was a rather large castle. Grell grinned as he pat Toba on the head.

"TOBA-KUN!" yelled a very cheerful, unfamiliar voice as it came nearer.

I then watched as Toba was tackled to the ground by a small male with a mane of short blonde strands.

"It's been far too long!" shouted the boy that was around the same height as Toba.

*Toba's P.O.V*

"Kieto-kun!" I exclaimed. (KI-toe, like the words kite and oh combined...)

"Toba-kun!" cheered my childhood friend back.

He then hopped up and helped me up as well.

"What are you doing here?" I questioned with a smile on my face.

"I'm here with Hibiki-kun!" cheered Kieto as he grinned.

"You mean-"

"Kieto-kun!" exclaimed a voice similar to mine, but slightly deeper, as it came closer.

The tall young man heaved and panted as he stood in front of us. "You ran way too fast!"

Kieto giggled and said, "More like you're just too slow!"

"Am not!" pouted the boy. His eyes then turned to me. "Toba-nii!"

"You've gotten so big since I last saw you Hibiki-kun!" I exclaimed as I hugged my little brother.

Hibiki smiled and said, "Yeah, I did."

I then remembered that their were indeed other people who had came along with me to the beach, and I realized that those other people were quite curious as to what was going on.

"Toba, who are these two?" questioned Ciel.

"This is my little brother Hibiki," I said as I gestured to the taller boy. Next, I gestured to the smaller one. "And this is my childhood friend Kieto."

"We're dating!" exclaimed Kieto as he hugged Hibiki with a grin on his face.

"Oh..." muttered everyone. "Eeeeehhhhhh?!"

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