Chapter 19: Boy in the Picture

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A/n: The boy that you are meeting today is the one on the left!:D The boy on the right is Toba!

*Author's P.O.V*

Everyone was in shock. They couldn't believe what they had heard.

Ciel was the first to interrupt the silence. "What did you say?"

"Toba-nii-chan was in love once... And that person in the picture was who he was in love with," said Kieto for Hibiki who stayed silent.

"So..." muttered Elizabeth.

"That's why he responded that way," said Crystal as she sighed.

"Why didn't he show us that part of his past?" questioned Ciel as he grew angry and hurt.

"Well," said Crystal as she sighed. "He really doesn't want to go back to those times..."

"However," said Kieto. "If you want to see it, I can show you..."

"How?" asked Sebastian.

"I just have to say the same thing as Toba would say to Crystal," said Kieto. "Because when he came here first, we did our own ceremony so that we could could become closer and share one another's memories."

Ciel sighed. "Please show us."

Then, Kieto and Crystal copied the actions from that one time in the past.

Unlike before, everyone was falling in a white light. Eventually, they all landed on a round about black brick path. Everything around them was black and grey, except for the white flowers that looked quite dim.

"This is scary," said Elizabeth as she clung to Ciel, or attempted to because he and Sebastian were already walking down the path.

"Where is the memory?" asked Mey Rin.

"It's the only one down this path," said Kieto as he sighed.

They walked and walked down the path. Then, they had arrived they saw this scene:

Out in a field, a boy, or miniature Toba was playing with a red ball. He had a bright smiled on his face as he kicked it back and forth in the small park.

Toba then missed the ball at one point and let it roll down the small hill he was on. Toba chased after it and was about to pick it up when two boys passed by, one of them tripping Toba.

"If it isn't the mixed breed!" cackled the boy that had tripped him.

"Don't you mean mixed gender!" chortled the other brat. "I mean, he looks like a girl for crying out loud!"

The two watched as Toba began to sniffle.

"You really are pathetic," said the boy who had tripped Toba... Let's call him Jerk.

"Yeah," said the other boy, let's call him Sidekick.

Toba just trembled and held on to the ball.

"What's with you? Can't speak!" yelled Jerk as he wound up his fist getting ready to make a punch.

"Cat got your tongue," said Sidekick. "Or is it a bunny this time? Maybe a demon? Ne, ne! Is it a cute little puppy?"

Toba began to cry as Jerk decided that instead of throwing punches he wanted to kick.

"Hey!" yelled a boy who seemed slightly older than the three boys. "What are you two doing?!"

Jerk and Sidekick then ran off.

The boy with his dark maroon hair and emerald eyes helped Toba to his feet. "Are you okay?" he asked with concern in his eyes.

"I-I'm fine," sniffled Toba as he rubbed his tear filled eyes.

The boy grabbed Toba's hands. He then pulled out a cloth and wiped Toba's eyes.

"Um," said the boy. "My name's Sinaita, Akazeto. What's yours?"

"It's Tobahiko! Nice to meet you, Sina-" Toba cut himself off as he bit his tongue. He then tried to say Akazeto's first name, but ended up biting his tongue again.

"How about you give me a nickname that you can say?" questioned Akazeto.

Toba then nodded his head. He thought for a few minutes. "Onii-chan!"

Akazeto smiled and said, "Sounds nice. And, nice to meet you too, Toba-kun!"

"Toba-kun?" asked Toba as he tilted his head.

"Yup," said Akazeto. "That's my nickname for you... You don't like it?"

Toba grinned and said, "I really like it!"

Akazeto smiled.

The two then began to play together, after Akazeto had double checked on Toba's condition of course.

Then, the time passed by in the memories.

Soon, we were at a festival. The lanterns shone bright in the happy moonlight.

"Onii-chan!" yelled Toba as he rushed over in a light blue yukata with tiny goldfish on it.

"Wow," squealed a girl with lime green hair and brown eyes. "Another cute yukata by Hitomi-chan this year!"

Toba nodded his head as he grinned. "Hitomi-chan makes the best yukatas! Right, Mimi-chan?"

"Yup!" cheered the lime green haired girl.

The memory then paused.

Crystal then sighed. "As you had seen, the memories had skipped a bit... That is because they weren't really important, and Toba doesn't want you watching pointless things."

"Who is that woman?" asked Grell as he glared at Mimi.

"She is one of Toba's closest friends," said Crystal. "She was one of the first few people that Toba had told about his love for Akazeto."

"Oh," muttered everyone.

"Also," said Ciel. "Was Toba the only one to get bullied like this?"

Crystal nodded. "He was the only one that had all of the bloods of all of the ancestors..."

"What does that mean?" asked Sebastian.

Crystal sighed. "Alot of demons aren't pureblood, but, normally, one would only be able to transform into two of the beings that they are mixed with. However, ever since Toba was little, he was able to transform into all of his forms..."

The memory then played again.

Toba walked down a path with his group of friends, Crystal and Jeremy following behind.

"Onii-chan?" questioned Toba as he walked backwards in front of Akazeto.

"Yes," said Akazeto as he looked away.

Toba then smiled and stopped dead in his tracks.

Akazeto bumped into him.

Toba then giggled. "That's what you get for not paying attention," said Toba as he looked up at Akazeto. Toba pouted as Akazeto yet again avoiding his eyes. "Why won't you look at me Onii-chan?"

Akazeto looked at Toba in shock. He then shook his head. "You are just too adorable... That's why I couldn't..."

Toba grinned. Fireworks went off. It was Toba's chance to blurt it all out. It was his chance but... He tackled Akazeto to the ground with a bear hug. "Thank you, Onii-chan!"

Akazeto then smiled and said, "W-w-welcome..."

The festival went on.

Everyone could hear Toba's thoughts as the time went forward, 'I had messed up...'

A/N: Early update just cuz! ^.^ AND, do not fret my good readers! I shall post another update on regular time as well! :D

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