Chapter 14: Sickie-Ickie Part 2: Ciel-kun, nya!

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A/N: Early update... Yay! Plus, there are going to be two early chapters! ^.^ I just felt like I updating a little earlier than usual because... Well, I really wanted to upload. But *WARNING* The next two chapters shall be a bit... Lime-ish? Also, there's going to be a few author's notes in between... They're pretty much useless because I was doing them to keep me from blushing so much... I mean, I don't know how those writers do it! It's just... Well... Gosh! ... Enjoy your read!

*Ciel's P.O.V*

I rubbed my temples as I began to get very, very frustrated. Why? Well, Toba-kun was being a complete pain! Currently, he was hiding under the covers in his full cat form hissing about not taking his medicine! Well, I guess I should give you a better idea of what happened.


I had walked up the stairs to Toba's room after my conversation with Sebastian. I peeked my head in after knocking on the door and receiving a tired groan as a response.

"Toba-kun?" I questioned as I saw the ill Toba laying on his bed.

"Where's Crystal-chan?" he asked.

"Her husband came over, and Sebastian offered for us to stay here and take care of you..." I said realizing a little too late that I should have said "we" instead of just "Sebastian".

"Oh, at least she's out having fun with Jeremy-nii-chan," said Toba as he smiled a cute small smile.

I then blushed slightly and said, "Well, how are you doing?"

"Good," said Toba as he yawned and stretched.

I blushed even more. "That's good," I then said as I sat on the chair next to his bed. I then looked at the nightstand next to his bed and saw a note written on it that said:

Toba's Medicine: # of dose per day; dose amount; lots of rest and orange juice recommended!

I picked up the bag and poured the medicine into the measuring cup.

"Isn't that my medicine?" asked Toba as he watched me prepare the medicine for him.

"Yeah," I said as I finished pouring the medicine.

"Do I have to drink it?" he then asked.

"Yes," I said.

"Why, Ciel-kun?" Toba then whined.

"Just take the medicine, Toba-kun," I said as I sighed.

"No," said Toba-kun as his neko ears and tail appeared.

"What?" I asked as I clenched my fist after setting the medicine down.

"You heard me," said Toba-kun as he began to shake.

"You're going to take the medicine," I growled as I attempted to grab the boy.

"No!" he hissed and turned into a brown coated cat that had a black patch of fur around his right eye and black fur covering all four of his paws. Toba then ran under his covers.

That is about where we are in the present.

"Toba-kun," I said. "Can you please just come from under the covers?"

"Don't wanna," Toba replied as he scooted further away.

"That's too bad," I said.

"Why?" Toba asked.

"Because," I said. "After you took the medicine, I was going to have Sebastian make you a nice batch of brownies."

"Really?" asked Toba as he peeked his head out from under the sheets.

One Hell Of A Master (Sebastian x Male!OC/Reader x Ciel)Where stories live. Discover now