Chapter 7: Love for the Win!

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*Toba's P.O.V*

I awoke the next morning ready to begin my plan. I ate first and then let Amy know I would be going out for a while. I then began my journey to a small town outside of London. Because of my amazing demonic speed, I was able to make it before the clock struck one.

I strolled through the small town until I spotted a bakery. I saw a young man sweeping in front of the shop.

"Hello," I said as I walked up to the young gentleman.

"Oh!" blurted the boy. "Welcome to my bakery! The name's Hearth, and your name is?"

I smiled. "My name's Ukari, Toba, but I like people to call me Toba-kun."

"Nice meeting you Toba-kun," said Hearth as he grinned.

I then asked if we could chat, and he said we could since the shop wouldn't be open for a while.

After a few minutes, I then began to get to the point.

"Do you know Lady Diana?" I then asked with a smile.

Hearth blushed and said, "Uh... Yes."

"I'm on a mission to help her get married to the one she loves," I said. "And, I need you to help with that."

"How can I help?" muttered Hearth as he bit his lip and blushed even more.

"You're the one she loves, right? And you love her back, right?" I said as I smiled.

Hearth shook his head. "But-"

"No buts," I interrupted. "The only thing truly stopping your love for eachother is your ability to give up so easily."

"Who said anything about giving up," said Hearth as he looked away.

"You did when you said "But"," I said as I crossed my arms.

Hearth then looked away. He then nodded his head and said, "Okay! My parents didn't raise a quitter, so... I'm going to prove you wrong!"

I then chuckled and got up from my seat. "Then," I said. "Let's go and save the princess."

We managed to get back by 4 P.M.

"That was a really fast carriage ride!" blurted out Hearth as he got out of the carriage Crystal had brought to pick us up.

"Yeah," I said as I smiled.

"It usually takes a whole day to get from my small town to the corner of the city!"

I then chuckled. I could see why Diana would like a person like this. He's very... interesting?

We then entered the building and I smiled as I saw a man and woman.

"Excuse me," I said as I walked over to the couple. "I was wondering if you were the parents of Lady Diana."

The man and lady looked at each other and smiled.

"You must be the young Ukari who came to visit us," said the lady.

"So, did you like meeting our little girl?" questioned the man.

"Yes," I said. "She's a very pleasant lady."

"Is that so?" said the lady as she chuckled.

"Very much so," I said. "However, I know a man who's known your daughter longer and would be a much better match for her."

"And who would that be?" asked the man.

"This young gent," I said as I pushed Hearth in front of me.

Both adults looked at each other for a moment. "Are you kidding me?"

"I'm not," I said. "This man loves your daughter far more than I ever could, and I think more than anyone else could as well. Plus, she loves him back."

"She's never told us about him," said the lady as she crossed her arms.

"That's because Lady Diana doesn't think you will accept it," I said.

"That's absurd," said the man as he began to get angry.

"It's true," said Lady Diana as she made herself known.

"What?" said the lady and man as they turned around to face their daughter.

"I love him," said Diana as she smiled. "I love him so much, mom and dad."

Hearth smiled happily and said, "And I love you, Diana."

The man and the woman looked at eachother and then smiled.

"Our plan was to have you marry a nobleman," said the man as he sighed.

"But~" chirped the woman. "I guess it's okay to abandon our plans for one moment."

"Really?!" exclaimed Diana.

The two nodded and said, "Really."

I smiled and then left the building leaving the happy little family, plus newly made couple, behind.

"That was some heavy magic you used in those stubborn parents of Lady Diana's," said Crystal as she appeared behind me.

I chuckled and said, "They were quite stubborn, weren't they."

"Very," said Crystal as she opened the door to my carriage even though I always told her not to.

"I just sometimes wish the magic I use on them would work on my parents," I said as I sighed.

"Even if that could work, the magic would not only drain all of your energy for at least 5 decades, but also could be the death of your sanity," said Crystal as she then sighed.

I chuckled yet again. "That may be true."

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