Chapter 26: Mission: Rescue the UKE! Part 1

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*Author's P.O.V*

"I'm going," said Sebastian.

"I'm going as well," said Ciel.

"What about Elizabeth?" asked Sebastian.

"I care for Toba far more than Elizabeth," said Ciel. "Not to mention, Elizabeth really likes Toba... She'll get over it I'm sure."

Sebastian looked at Ciel in shock. "That's a bit..."

"Let's go," said Ciel. "You coming Akazeto?"

"What?" asked Akazeto.

"Are you coming, or not?" asked Ciel.

Akazeto looked down. He didn't deserve to go, he kept telling himself. "I caused all of this mess in the first place..."

"You're right," said Ciel as he began his walk over to Akazeto. "You did cause all of this. Every ounce of pain that Toba's ever felt has happened because of you."

"Obou-san," said Sebastian.

Akazeto flinched at Ciel's words.

"However," said Ciel as he stood directly in front of Akazeto. "This is your chance to fix that. To steal Toba away from us, and take him back."

"But... I caused so much pain," said Akazeto. "He'd be better of with one of you two."

"Guess you don't really love Toba then," said Ciel.

"What?" asked Akazeto as he looked at Ciel.

"You heard me," said Ciel. "If you're giving up on him this easily, then you don't really love him. If you can toss him away without a second glance, then you didn't ever really care. You were just imagining your love, no, you were confusing it with mere admiration-"

"Shut up," growled Akazeto.

"You were fascinated by Toba, nothing more-"

"I'm warning you!"

"You were just in your own little misunderstanding-"

"I said "Shut up!"" Akazeto then raised his hand in the air preparing for a slap, but Sebastian caught his hand before it could make contact.

"So, are you coming to save Toba, or not?" asked Ciel. "In other words, do you love him or-"

"I'm going," said Akazeto as he calmed down. "And I love him, stupid."

Ciel smirked and said, "Let's go then."

"Good luck!" cheered Crystal.

"Wait!" yelled Brian as he weakly stood.

"What?" asked the other set of males.

"Take this," said Brian as he handed each of the three a pocket watch.


"It's for the portal," interrupted Brian. "Green means you are good, purple means you have half an hour left, and red means exactly five minutes are left. And black... means you're stuck in there forever."

"Thank you," said the three males.

"Welcome," said Brian. "As of right now, you have just a little under two hours left, so get going!"

The men nodded and went to the portal. Akazeto was last.

"Akazeto!" shouted Brian.

"Yeah," said Akazeto as he was about to jump.

"Bring my future lover back, alright!"

"I'll bring Toba back," said Akazeto. "But, I have no idea who this future lover of yours is!" Akazeto then stuck his tongue out and grinned.

One Hell Of A Master (Sebastian x Male!OC/Reader x Ciel)Where stories live. Discover now