26. Universe 6 vs 7

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The Universe 7 team was finalized: Ben, Goku, Vegeta, Raditz, and Piccolo. Each one carried the weight of their universe's hopes on their shoulders. After a brief knowledge test, it was clear that Goku would be the first to step into the arena against a fighter from Universe 6. As he bounced on his feet, ready for action, the crowd buzzed with anticipation. His opponent, a hulking creature named Botamo, stood calmly, his jelly-like body rippling under the arena lights.

Goku sized him up, cracking his knuckles. "You look tough," he said with a grin, his eyes glinting with excitement. "But I hope you're not just all looks."

Botamo chuckled, his voice thick and slow. "I've taken down fighters tougher than you," he rumbled. "You'll see."

The fight began, and from the get-go, things weren't looking good for Goku. Every punch he threw seemed to sink into Botamo's body as if he were punching through water. The hits landed, but Botamo didn't flinch. His jelly-like mass absorbed every attack with ease. Goku frowned, darting back as Botamo charged, his massive arms swinging.

"He's not feeling any of this," Goku muttered under his breath, watching the way Botamo shrugged off his blows. He wiped sweat from his brow and powered up, his aura flaring around him. A plan started forming in his mind, and his grin returned.

In a flash, Goku sped toward Botamo again, fists blazing as he unleashed a flurry of rapid punches. The crowd watched in awe, but Botamo's body continued to absorb the damage. Vegeta, watching from the sidelines, growled in frustration. "Kakarot, stop wasting time. Use your brain for once."

Goku heard the advice and smirked. "Alright, time to try something new."

Rather than continue his direct assault, Goku dashed around Botamo, confusing him with sudden bursts of speed. As the hulking fighter swung his arms, Goku stayed just out of reach, delivering blows to his legs and sides. Slowly but surely, Botamo's movements grew sluggish, his balance shaky. Goku darted under one of Botamo's wide swings and delivered a heavy uppercut to his chin, sending him stumbling back.

With a burst of power, Goku grabbed Botamo by the legs and hoisted him into the air. The crowd gasped as Goku hurled him toward the edge of the ring. Botamo's weight worked against him, and he tumbled out of bounds, crashing to the ground below.

The arena fell silent for a split second before the announcer's voice boomed through the stadium. "Goku is the winner of this match!"

Botamo, groaning on the ground outside the ring, looked up at Goku with a scowl. "You got lucky," he muttered.

Goku, still smiling, rubbed the back of his neck. "Nah, I just figured out how to play to your weakness. Good match, though!" He waved, turning back to his team as Botamo was carried away.

"Nicely done, Kakarot," Vegeta muttered, arms crossed. "Though you could've done that a lot faster."

"Always one to criticize, Vegeta," Goku chuckled. "But that was fun. I wonder who's up next!"

Ben, Raditz, and Piccolo exchanged glances, their excitement building as they anticipated their turns in the ring. The tournament had just begun, but the stakes were already higher than any of them had imagined. The pride of Universe 7 rested on their ability to defeat the strange and powerful fighters from Universe 6, and Goku's victory was just the first step.

After taking out Botamo, Goku's eyes shifted toward another fighter from Universe 6. This one, a slender figure with his arms crossed, seemed utterly disinterested in the ongoing battle. His attention was elsewhere, his face a mask of calm. Goku smiled to himself, already feeling the excitement build in his chest. This must be his next opponent.

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