23. Training With A God

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Over the next few weeks, Ben occasionally trained with Whis on Beerus' planet. One day, during a particularly intense session, Whis tilted his head in curiosity. "Ben, what exactly is that device on your wrist?" he asked, pointing to the Omnitrix.

Ben paused, glancing at the Omnitrix. "This? It's called the Omnitrix. It's a piece of advanced technology that allows me to transform into various alien species. It's how I've been able to adapt to so many different forms and abilities."

Whis's eyes widened with intrigue. "Fascinating. For such an advanced piece of technology, I'm sure I would have heard about its existence."

Ben chuckled awkwardly. "Yeah, it's... pretty unique." He swiftly changed the subject, not wanting to delve into the origins and mechanics of the Omnitrix too deeply. "Anyway, the training here has been incredibly useful, Whis. But I'm thinking it might be more beneficial for others to get this opportunity."

Whis raised an eyebrow. "Oh? And who do you have in mind?"

"Goku, Vegeta, and Raditz," Ben suggested. "They're exceptional warriors, and with your guidance, they could reach new heights."

At that moment, Beerus, who had been lounging nearby, perked up. "If you truly believe you don't need the training you're free to go. As long as the other Saiyans are able to become gods, I'll allow it," he declared.

When Ben arrived back on Earth, Vegeta was waiting for him, arms crossed and a frown on his face. "Where have you been going off to?" he demanded. "I couldn't sense your presence for weeks."

"I've been training with Whis," Ben replied, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "On Beerus' planet."

Vegeta's eyes widened in shock. "You've been training with the Angel?"

"Yeah," Ben confirmed. "And Beerus is okay with you, Goku, and Raditz training with Whis as well, as long as you can access the Saiyan God form."

Vegeta's expression shifted from shock to determination. "Then we'll do it. We'll surpass our limits and achieve that form."

Goku, who had been listening nearby, grinned. "Sounds like a plan. Let's see what we can do when we train with Whis!"

Raditz, standing beside his brother, nodded. "I'm ready. Let's show them the true power of the Saiyans."

Eventually, Whis and Beerus arrived on the planet. They headed to Capsule Corp, where they saw Ben, Bulma, Maxine, and Vegeta.

"Before I collect the Saiyans, I want something in return," Beerus announced.

"Is it food?" Ben asked with a knowing smirk.

"Yes, I want some food."

"Just give me a few minutes," Bulma said, turning to head inside.

"I'll get Goku and Raditz," Ben added. He transformed into his Supreme Kai form and utilized the Kai Kai to teleport Goku and Raditz to Capsule Corp.

The brothers were excited, unable to contain their anticipation. "We can't wait to start training with a God!" Goku exclaimed, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

Bulma returned with two cups of instant ramen, handing them to Beerus and Whis. The Gods tasted the food and their eyes widened in delight. They finished it in only a few seconds.

"More," Beerus demanded.

"Oh...um, it's going to take a while to heat up multiple at once," Bulma said, looking slightly flustered.

"I got it," Ben stated confidently. He summoned small cubes of kachi kachi and transformed into his Majin form, turning the cubes into steaming cups of ramen.

Beerus smirked, "I'm starting to enjoy having you around."

Goku, Vegeta, and Raditz spent some time training with Whis on Beerus' planet. It took them a few weeks to gain access to the Saiyan God form, and they often talked about surpassing the form with a new one.

"We need to push further," Vegeta said during one of their intense training sessions. "We know it's possible. Ben combined Super Saiyan Four with God ki."

"Right," Goku agreed, determination burning in his eyes. "If Ben can do it, so can we."

Beerus was pleased with their progress. "You haven't disappointed me," he said, a rare smile playing on his lips. "Keep striving for that new form."

During this time, Ben stayed on Earth with his family. He spent quality time with Maxine, helping her hone her magical abilities, and enjoyed the peace and quiet that came from not having to constantly train. Still, he kept a close eye on the progress of his friends, knowing that their success was vital for the challenges that lay ahead.

Four months later, Jaco arrived on Earth, landing his spaceship at Capsule Corporation. Goten and Maxine were playing nearby, the unexpected arrival catching their attention. The Galactic Patrolman hurriedly exited his ship, his expression serious and urgent.

"Hey, you two! Can you go get Bulma for me? It's important!" Jaco called out.

Goten and Maxine exchanged curious glances before nodding and running inside to fetch Bulma. Moments later, she emerged, her hands on her hips, an eyebrow raised in question.

"Jaco, what's got you in such a rush?" she asked.

"Are you friends with the one who killed Frieza?" Jaco blurted out, barely able to contain his anxiety.

Bulma frowned, crossing her arms. "There are two people who defeated Frieza. Which one are you talking about?"

"The one who's on Beerus' planet," Jaco clarified, his voice growing more frantic.

Bulma's eyes widened. "Oh, that's Goku. But he's not here right now. What's going on, Jaco?"

"Frieza is coming to Earth," Jaco explained, his voice grave. "And he's bringing a thousand soldiers with him."

Bulma felt a chill run down her spine. "What?! When?"

"Soon. We don't have much time," Jaco replied.

Thinking quickly, Bulma grabbed her phone. "I'll try to get in contact with Whis. He can bring Goku and Vegeta back."

Jaco nodded, watching anxiously as Bulma typed furiously on her phone. She sent a message to Whis, attaching a picture of a strawberry sundae in the hopes of catching his attention. They waited a few moments, but no response came.

"Damn it!" Bulma cursed. "No luck."

"What now?" Jaco asked, his worry deepening.

Bulma took a deep breath, steeling herself. "I'll contact the other Z-Fighters. We'll have to hold the fort until Goku and Vegeta get here."

She quickly dialed Krillin, Yamcha, and Tien, explaining the situation as concisely as she could. Each one responded with determination, promising to head to Capsule Corp immediately. Ben arrived to their location, feeling a sense of excitement and confusion after being told the news about Frieza's resurrection/

The Z-Fighters began to arrive, their faces set in grim determination. Krillin, now a police officer, arrived first, followed by Tien and Chiaotzu. Yamcha, despite his usual carefree attitude, wore a serious expression.

"What's the plan, Bulma?" Piccolo asked, his voice calm but intense.

"We hold off Frieza and his army until Goku, Raditz and Vegeta can get here," Bulma said, her voice steady despite the fear gnawing at her.

"Right," Krillin agreed, cracking his knuckles.

"Wait for the others?" Ben started. "I'm positive we don't need them during this fight," he stated with confidence.

Goten and Maxine stood nearby, they were both determined.

As they prepared for the impending battle, the skies above Capsule Corp seemed to darken. Ships began to rain down on the planet, but the warriors stood their ground.They would face Frieza together, and they would prevail.


Guys, today is my Birthday. Finally 17 and going onto my Senior year!

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