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Gemini tried to look at Fourth, but his vision was all blurry due to the tears falling from his eyes. All he could see was someone trying to get close to him as he scoots closer to his mother, unwilling to let go. Phuwin got a signal from Gemini's mother and let go of Gemini, getting up to stand at the side.

"Gemini... Please.." Gemini could now see a blurred sight of Fourth, getting closer to him. He tried to reach for Gemini's hand, but of course Gemini pulled away and only scooted closer and closer to his mother. 

Suddenly, his mother kneeled down and helped him up, whispering soft words as she rubbed circles on his back, "Dear.. Go to Fourth.. Go to your husband... You need him... Don't you..?" 

Gemini couldn't believe his actions, as soon as his mother said that, his mother pushed him slightly towards Fourth. Involuntarily, when Fourth grabbed him by his waist and pulled him in, he gripped tightly on Fourth's shoulders, leaning his head on Fourth's shoulder as he sobbed harder.

Letting out all the pain and suffering he has endured all these years just for this exact moment, he screamed, not that loudly, but enough for the nearby patients to hear him. He had always dreamt of being this close to Fourth, but he never once thought he would actually get a chance to. However, fate seemed to have other plans. 

He silently wished this moment would never end, so he encircled his arms tighter around Fourth's neck, afraid that the latter would disappear as soon as he let go. In return, Fourth started softly caressing the back of his neck, knowing that his baby needed his warmth and comfort. He owed it to him for all these years, after all. 

While Fourth tried to calm Gemini down, Dr. Naravit, the doctor who served and treated Gemini when he was sent to this hospital, came over. He stood in front of Fourth, Gemini, Gemini's mother and Phuwin, giving his analysis. 

He bowed down in front of them, "Good evening, Mr. Nattawat, Mrs. Titicha, Mr. Norawit and Mr. Tangsakyuen. I am Dr. Naravit, who treated your son earlier, Mrs. Jirochtikul. The reason your son fainted earlier was due to a sudden intense amount of stress, however, he will be fine now. If I may ask, Mr. Norawit, are you engaged or perhaps, married?" 

Gemini tried to calm down from his crying. He hesitated, knowing full well that Fourth was only treating him nice right now because he was shocked due to him fainting, so he replied, "n-"

Fourth immediately cut him off, "Yes, he is. I am his husband, Mr. Nattawat. May I ask why did you ask such a question?" He looked worried, his eyebrows furrowed. 

Dr. Naravit smiled warmly at the couple, "I bear some great news, but what Mr. Norawit is bearing in his stomach is a child, about 2 months old. "

Fourth's face lit up, proudly saying, "Two months old?" 

Dr. Naravit nodded, "Yes, about 1 month and 3 weeks. I do hope you treat him with care and avoid giving him any stress in the future. Mr. Norawit, if you are feeling better now, your husband may bring you to the nurse at the counter and you may go home. I wish you guys all the best. " 

Gemini nodded and thanked the doctor. Then, Gemini immediately went over to his mother, hugging her, asking for comfort as he felt his tears falling down again. 

She brought him over to the counter and Gemini was allowed home once the nurse gave him a medical slip and some medication. All the way they were going to the counter, Fourth tried to hold Gemini but he avoided him, so Fourth couldn't do anything but silently followed behind his little husband.

Meanwhile, Phuwin stood there, lovestruck then followed after Dr. Naravit. Possibly going to ask him further about Gemini's condition. (Let's pretend that it's true ☺️)

While they were walking out of the hospital, Gemini kept clinging to his mother, definitely not letting go soon. However, his mother had some other matters, "Gemini, dear.. Could you go with Fourth instead, hmm..? Mom needs to go to the mall to get some groceries."

Phuwin tried to offer to send Gemini home, but he received a reply from Gemini's mother instead.

"Phuwin, come with auntie to the mall, auntie is an old woman who doesn't know the way," Gemini's mother smiled warmly at Phuwin, however both Gemini and Phuwin knew that Gemini's mother was only doing all this to get Gemini and Fourth alone.

"Mom, you know you can bring me with you to the mall... I would love to pick out some groceries with you," Gemini whined, not wanting to go along with his mother as he knew exactly what her actions meant.

Gemini's mother hugged him tightly, then patted his head, "Go with Fourth na, my dear good son... The doctor advised you not to stress yourself, and picking out groceries with me will only increase your stress. " 

Gemini shook his head vigorously, tears threatening to fall once more, "No... Mama, please... Bring me with you... I don't want to stay with him..!"

Gemini whispered the last sentence close to her mother's ears, afraid of offending the mentioned person if he said it out loud. 

"Gemini, baby.. go home, okay? Let Fourth bring you home, hmm?" Once he heard his name being mentioned, Fourth seemed to have returned to the present from another planet and nodded, agreeing with Gemini's mother. 

"Yes, mae. I will bring him home. Don't worry about it." With that, Gemini's mother nodded, Phuwin snorted as he looked at Gemini, who looked like he was gonna tear up again, but could still slightly glare at Fourth.

"But, mom.. you said that the doctor told me not to stress myself, right? Then you shouldn't let him bring me home, because that will stress me so much that I will die. "

Gemini didn't know where he got the courage to blurt that out, but neither did he care. He avoided the latter's gaze and instead, only looked at his own mother.

"Gemini, if you let Fourth bring you home, I will buy some of 'that', okay? You don't want that?" Gemini's mother teased her son, she knew her son couldn't say no to that. 

Gemini gasped, accepting defeat as he surrendered, "Fine.. but you must promise Gem na, ma..." 

"Yes, ma promised. Now, go." Gemini nodded and as he turned around to walk to Fourth's car, he was lifted up and ended up in a warm pair of hands.

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