Confessions of the Heart

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Despite Fourth telling him to eat his food first if it arrives before Fourth is done with the call, Gemini still insists on waiting for Fourth. Yes, Gemini might have had a change of behaviour and has been treating Fourth with coldness and indifference ever since he got admitted to the hospital yesterday evening but deep down, he cared. On the contrary to his cold demeanor towards Fourth on the outside, he felt deep care and love for Fourth in his heart. 

His love for Fourth was as deep as the ocean and he was willing to go as far as taking a bullet for Fourth. It was all because he loved him. He has loved him since he met him and no, it was not on the day that he was asked to go out from his room, to the living room and sign the contract of marriage between him and Fourth to satisfy their parents' need to increase their company's sales and performance by merging their companies together.

Fourth and Gemini's first meeting was actually a coincidence. A beautiful coincidence, which ended up with one of them taking too much into their heart. Gemini ended up thinking that Fourth's intentions were to be because he secretly took an interest in him and deluded himself with his imaginations, but was it really all just his delusions? 

However, after Fourth and Gemini got engaged through the arranged contract, Gemini learned the hard truth the hard way. He ended up scarring his own fragile heart due to Fourth's attitude towards him after their marriage. His heart was already as fragile as it was before he met Fourth, but after 'tying the knot' with Fourth, his heart literally shattered into an uncountable amount of broken pieces. 

The change in Gemini's behaviour is due to the pain and suffering he has endured for these past 3 years of marriage with Fourth. As a result of the endless nights of him crying himself to sleep, he realized that he must build walls around his heart in order to protect his heart from further cracks. 

Since he was discharged from the hospital, he has started treating Fourth with no emotions and freezing coldness. It was to protect his heart from an ice monster he has lived with for 3 years, but secretly loved.

However, despite him acting cold to Fourth, but actually deep down, his walls were starting to break down. Someone was constantly using an axe to try and break the high and strong walls, which he had constructed carefully and built stronger around his heart through these few years of sorrow and despair, and it was working. His heart was getting more fragile by each passing second, but it was all because.. Gemini loved Fourth. 

Now that there is a creature, an innocent little fragile baby, in his stomach which was a creation of Fourth and himself, his heart was shaking, making the walls in his heart slowly tumble. His heart was longing for Fourth. But, for now, he couldn't let Fourth in just yet, he had to earn it. 

For each second that he stays with Fourth, he was always hurt and his heart was constantly breaking into countless pieces. But, before you judge Fourth too excessively, no, he didn't hurt Gemini physically by hitting or bullying him. He was just, distant. His body might've been there, with Gemini, but his soul was elsewhere.

Unlike most spouses out there, he was not affectionate or loving, at least Gemini didn't think that he was because he never showed it openly. Conversely, Gemini was never mad at him or scolded him because of this. He was aware of what kind of relationship he had with Fourth. But, how long could one person who is in love, stay with someone who couldn't reciprocate their feelings even for one moment?

Despite Gemini never hating Fourth for his behaviour, how long could he stand there, giving all his love and effort to Fourth, without feeling hurt in his heart? He always cried himself to sleep at night, because he had thought that Fourth loved him, so that is why he married Fourth, thinking that they could live happily together, but no, Fourth didn't love him.

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