Panicked Husband Pt. 2

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In Fourth's office

Joong who just saw Fourth rushing out of his office, knew he was on the way to Gemini's place. He knew he was freaking out and Gemini would not pick up his phone, causing him to panic even more. 

Actually, this was all Gemini and Joong's plan. Gemini may seem like he is an innocent little cinnamon roll, but in reality he could be a devious little devil too. Thus, the phrase 'Looks like a cinnamon roll, but could kill you" exists because of his personality. 

They were now on a call, a video call. Gemini was using his other phone, which Fourth didn't know existed and he was showing Joong the continuous number of calls and messages he got from Fourth. Fourth was still trying to get ahold of Gemini, on Gemini's other phone.

"Look, Joong." 

The screen of Gemini's phone:

27 missed calls from Husband <3

52 messages from Husband <3

Seconds later, the screen showed Fourth's call. Despite it already being about 10 minutes since he left, Fourth was still trying to get through to Gemini's line. 

"Oh, what a lovely gentleman husband you have, Gemini. Unfortunately, his husband is a devious little devil who pretends to be an angel." Joong laughed while watching the whole show. As compared to the time he has been friends with Fourth, Joong has been friends with Gemini for a longer period of time. 

Because of that, he had a better understanding of what kind of person Gemini actually is. However, Joong found out long ago that Gemini had a different personality when he was with Fourth, that's why whenever he is with Fourth, he refers to Gemini as an innocent person. 

When Gemini is with Fourth, he turns into someone with a weak heart and a soft personality, but when he is not with Fourth, he transforms into someone else. Someone with a devious mindset and a somewhat mean personality with his friends, but he was still a kind and generous person with a good heart. It seems like the saying that goes, "Love changes someone" has been proven accurate in this situation.  

Gemini smirked, nodding his head. "You know me best, man."

Joong suddenly felt slightly bad for Fourth, even though he knew that perhaps Fourth deserved this, "Maybe, you should pick up his call for once. Just act like you're mad at him?" 

Gemini thought for a while, his other phone rang non stop in the background. He held his phone and pressed on the screen to accept/answer the call, not forgetting to tap on the Speaker button.

"Gemini! Gemini, listen to me.. it is all a misunderstanding, Gemini! I swear I would never do something like that to you! You know how much you mean to me!" Fourth's voice sounded intense, filled with panic and worry.

Gemini smirked, "Do I really, Fourth? It seems like you are closer to her than you are to me." 

Fourth's line was silent for a moment, before he spoke in a desperate tone. He knew he was wrong, he should've been more attentive and loving to Gemini in the past. "Gemini.. I'm sorry for everything, but I swear I would never do something like that to you.. I would never cheat on you, Gemini.. you are the best thing in my life... I know I haven't been the best at showing you that I loved you, but I swear I do, Gemini.. I love you so much, Gemini.."

For a second, Gemini's eyes flashed in sadness and Joong witnessed it. He knew that Gemini was weak for Fourth, he knew Gemini's heart was broken because of Fourth. 

"I'm hanging up, Nattawat." Gemini hung up and went back to smirking. 

Even though Gemini was smirking, Joong could see that he was hurt because of Fourth's words. "Gemini, are you okay?" 

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