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Short A/N:

Hello, fellow 4G fans! Thank you very much for the support, the author really appreciates it. However, author would like to inform everyone that the author might post the chapters very seldomly (once in a week/once in two weeks/once in a month) as it all depends on whether the author is free, because author is a working university student. Author understands if you don't want to support the story any longer once getting this notice, but author must still inform everyone in advance. That is all for now. Enjoy the chapter! Again, thank you everyone for the support! 🤟

Gemini was surprised. He was suddenly lifted up without any sort of warning or prior notice, so he was extremely scared for his baby (🥹 the one in his stomach<3). 

"Hey, hey! Fourth! Let me down!!" He struggled to get down from the other's embrace. The latter was carrying him in his arms like a princess, softly saying "Okay." 

Fourth detached him from his embrace, making him stand beside him. Gemini huffed, walking quickly to Fourth's car, leaving the latter behind. He looks upset but he told me to let him go, Fourth couldn't understand his husband's behaviour. However, he just simply followed him, not wanting to make his husband wait for him.

As soon as Fourth walked over, he opened the car door for Gemini, whilst disabling the car lock in the process. He made sure Gemini was comfortably sitting on the passenger seat before helping him put on the seatbelt. 

While he was helping Gemini put on the seatbelt, he felt the other person's breath gradually increase, but he didn't point it out as Fourth didn't want to make his husband uncomfortable. 

He then went over and sat on the driver seat, immediately turning on the air conditioner, afraid his husband would feel hot in this summer weather. 

Along the car ride, Fourth was driving and Gemini was just looking out the window. 

None of them spoke up or made any sound. The songs playing on the radio and the sound of the two people breathing were the only thing that filled the car. 

Of course, Fourth wanted to talk to Gemini, but he had no idea what to talk about. He knew how tired his husband was by the look on his face and the constant change in his behaviour so he just let him rest without disturbing him. (how can this person be described as indifferent/insensitive before 😭) 

Suddenly, Fourth thought about something and asked Gemini, "Do you want to stop by the cafe? We can grab some lunch, if you'd like.." He thought that his husband looked tired because he was hungry and hadn't eaten real food in one night and his husband was also crying heavily earlier so that also must've drained his energy.

However, Gemini only replied in short words and went back to indirectly ignoring Fourth, "Up to you."

Ummm..., Fourth was at a loss. He knew that his behaviour towards his husband throughout these past 3 years of marriage was awful and should've been better so that's why Gemini refuses to talk to him now, but he really needed to make sure his husband ate something despite he, himself not being hungry at all. 

As a result, he decided to stop by the cafe near their house so that Gemini could eat something at least. As his car pulled up at the cafe, he conveniently parked his car in front of the cafe so that his husband didn't need to walk that far but not right in front of the cafe that it might make the cafe lose its customers. 

As soon as he parked his car, he quickly got out of the car and went over to the other side to open the car door for Gemini. Gemini seemed reluctant but still got off Fourth's car and stood beside Fourth. 

Fourth was confused as to why Gemini didn't walk into the cafe first, but then he remembered that Gemini had never gone outside with him to eat that often so he must feel out of place. In order to make his husband feel better, he took his right hand and interlocked his fingers with Gemini's then walked into the cafe with Gemini by his side, who looked bewildered but still followed Fourth into the cafe.

Inside, Fourth found a seat under the air conditioner and Fourth sat down with Gemini on the seat beside that seat so that Gemini could feel the breeze but not too close that it makes Gemini shiver. When the waiter came over to get their orders, Fourth immediately told the waiter his orders without looking at the menu as this was a cafe frequently visited by Fourth, "One medium-sized Americano, please." 

However, this cafe has never been visited by Gemini so he didn't know what to order. Gemini's eyes scanned through the menu like a machine in nervousness as he didn't know what he wanted to eat or drink. He felt two pairs of eyes staring at him, making him feel extremely awkward. 

"Gemini, would you like a cup of hazelnut cappuccino? And a plate of waffles with butter and syrup." Fourth tried to help Gemini, seeing as he was having a hard time and he didn't want to make him anymore stressed. Coincidentally, those offered by Fourth were Gemini's favourite. 

Gemini was surprised as to how Fourth was able to guess his favourite preferences at a cafe, but he didn't think much about it as he thought that it might just be a coincidence. Gemini smiled awkwardly while avoiding Fourth's gaze, "Um, yes please. "

With that, the waiter went over to the counter to send their orders to the kitchen and the barista also started brewing their coffee. 

Because the seat that Fourth chose was also near the window, so Gemini just silently watched the scenery outside the cafe. Once again, Fourth tried to talk to Gemini but the latter would only give him short replies and continue giving his attention to anything but Fourth.

Just then, a call came from Fourth's phone, the caller ID stated: JA. "Gemini, I'm going to take this call outside for a second, is it alright? Eat first if the food arrives." Fourth asked for Gemini's permission to take the call, then went outside to answer the call as soon as Gemini nodded, saying that he could take the call.

Not long after, Gemini's food arrived and their coffee also came. Actually, Gemini has been watching Fourth ever since he went outside to answer the call and he noticed Fourth's expression getting more and more upset and angry by each passing second. 

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