Confusion and Defence

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Gemini slammed the door shut, entering his room in a hurry. His knees felt weak and he slid down to the floor, feeling his face getting wetter by each passing second. His lips quiver as he pulls his knees to his chest, enclosing the gap.

His breath quickened and all he could think of was Fourth. It seemed like, despite it only being a few times, Fourth was the only one who could comfort Gemini and make him feel better in times when he's in a condition as he is in now. His palms pressed on his cheeks, imagining the latter being the one who was with him at the moment. He needed the comfort and warmth that only Fourth could give, but his heart was too weak to let him come close. 

Fourth's touch, although temporary and unfamiliar, meant more to Gemini than simply "husband's embrace" or whatever it is people would normally call it. When Gemini has a breakdown or whenever the creature in his stomach felt the desire to hurt its bearer by kicking his stomach, all that could ease the pain was Fourth's warm hands holding onto his and his sweet words which only had the intention of making Gemini forget the pain and focus on him instead. This fact made him miss Fourth's touch increasingly by each passing second. 

He closed his eyes shut, drifting off to darkness. His thoughts were in a mess and the pain he suddenly felt in his abdomen didn't make it any better. He suddenly wished that Fourth was by his side right now, embracing him in his arms and whispering soft praises. Even though he knew he didn't have the need to feel sorry for pulling such a trick on someone, especially his 'husband' because he knew that Fourth deserved it, he couldn't help but feel the urge to run into Fourth's embrace, seeking his attentiveness as he apologize for pulling such a prank. 

Something, or rather someone, kept kicking its leg towards Gemini's stomach. Its legs put more force after each push. Gemini couldn't help but hiss and groan as he felt the excruciating pain beneath his chest. It felt like he had just been stabbed in the stomach, the weapon being a 10 inch knife which cut through his body.

He sat there, silently, for about 20 minutes. His hands never left his knees, as they wrapped tightly around and secured themselves there. His eyes slowly drifted open, as he fluttered them a few times to adjust the darkness he was in earlier with the light in the room which shone brightly. 

Suddenly, his phone rang. He slowly got up as his knees shook slightly. He walked unsteadily towards the small table he had beside his bed and his hand reached for the phone on top of the table, while the creature in his stomach kept hurting him. 

He lifted the phone, causing it to light up and the screen showed who was the caller: 'J. Archen'. His trembling hands slid on the screen of his phone, answering the call as his other hand pulled the phone to his ear. 

As soon as he answered, his friend immediately bombarded him with questions such as how are you, are you alright and what's wrong when he noticed Gemini's face was distorted and streamed with tears as they were on a video call and they could see each other's face. Gemini was aware his friend was trying to make him feel better, but in this state, all he needed was Fourth but he wanted to stay in denial for the moment and pretend he didn't need him. 

Joong was on a call with Fourth on his other phone through the other half of his call with Gemini, knowing his friend needed his lover's presence despite him not mentioning it. While Joong was on a call with Fourth, Gemini listened carefully to every word they said to each other.

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