Dilemma and Comfort

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Outside a cafe, a guy was talking with someone on the phone, while someone secretly watched him and didn't eat his food yet. Despite the guy standing outside telling him that he didn't need to wait for him once the food arrived, but this stubborn person insisted.

Fourth's Point of View:

📞: "Fourth... Are you busy right now?"

F: "Be straight to the point!"

📞: "You might wanna come here soon, Mark got caught by the enemy while he was spying on them! Those crazy guys said they're on the way!"

F: "Shit, he got caught again!? Which enemy, Joong?!"

📞: "Um... The Family of Five Venoms!!!"

F: "Shit! I will try to be there soon! I am with Gemini, I don't want to leave him!"

📞: "Bro, are you really with him? Is he okay??? I heard from Pw that he got admitted to the hospital!?"

F: "Yeah, bro! We are having a baby!"

📞: "*Bang²* Shit, bro!! They're here, I gotta go!! Come here soon or they might kill us!!!"

F: "Alright, alright! Keep dragging his time until I get there!"


The call ended. 

Okay, what the heck?! Shit, I wanted to take a day off to stay with Gemini at home! What now? There are some issues at the underground base because of that damned Pakin!!

Shit, shit, shit!! What the hell should I do now?!

I should stay with Gemini, but all my people will be destroyed if I don't handle those shit heads!! Oh my god, why can't that damned Pakin take care of such an easy job?! He always had to get caught, hah!!?

Now, if I don't get there within an hour, I will be stepping into a base full of bloody heads and broken limbs! But, how can I get there in an hour?! Gemini is inside, waiting for me so that we can eat our lunch!

I glanced over at Gemini, thinking that he had started his lunch. This cafe has very good service. The chefs cook savoury delicacies in a short time, so the food has already come.

As I glanced over at Gemini, Gemini was staring at me. He probably never thought that I would look back at him, that he could watch me in silence without getting caught. But, he is my husband, therefore of course I caught him in time. 

He immediately looked away, avoiding my gaze after I held an eye contact with him for about a second. His face started to blush, leading to the tip of his ears turning red. Now, he looked like a cat. How cute he is! 

Gemini's Point of View:

Ah! Why did he suddenly look at me! Because of him, my face is definitely red by now! 

I had been looking at Fourth for the past few minutes as he talked on the phone. The food has already come, but I wanted to wait for Fourth. As I was watching him talking on the phone, I noticed his facial expressions turning darker, angrier by each passing second. 

I was taken aback. I had never seen this face of his, even though I knew that he clearly hated me. Oh, maybe he hates me, so he chose not to show any of his emotions for me. Not even anger. How stupid of me to only have realized this after 3 years of staying with him, in the same house, as spouses.

Sigh... Well, what could I do? I know he hates me, but I can't help loving him. Maybe I am stupid after all. And naive. 

I was watching Fourth and he suddenly glanced over. I wasn't expecting that, so while he was looking at me for that one second, I was in a daze and my heart was beating loudly. He was making my heart beating hard, leading to the walls around my heart slowly tumbling down, creating a path for him to walk back in and break it further.

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