Chapter:20: DID I JUST...

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Jungkook pov

It sounds like I'm really going through a tough time with all these confusing feelings in my heart. It can be difficult to navigate emotions when you're unsure of what they mean or where they are coming from. It's important to give yourself space to process and understand what you're feeling without being too hard on yourself. But my real question is in this relation did I lead jimin on? Why am I feeling like that? Is jimin perfect for me?

I'm feeling uneasy leaving Jimin behind like this. My heart wants to go back to him. I can't shake the feeling of guilt and worry that engulfs me as I walk away, knowing he may feel abandoned or lost without me there. I felt something to him.

I wish I could stay and comfort him, reassure him that everything will be okay, but circumstances beyond my control are forcing me to leave. I'm sure I don't see him more than just a friend but my heart prick's saying that.

I can only hope that he understands my decision and that he knows how much I care for him. It breaks my heart to see him standing there, looking so vulnerable and in need of support. I just want to wrap my arms around him and hold him close, ew Jungkook just now you said he is your friend.

I reached my seat but stood there star stroked. You won't believe what is happening here. Coincidence or fate taehyung is again next to my seat.

Taehyung he gave awkward smile to me but choose to not shake my hands. He sat there and removed his jacket to reveal a beautiful crop top showing his pale tummy. So perfect. See this is what I mean. He makes my heart boom boom more than jimin does.

The flight attendant, Michelle her name tag says, she approaches me with a tray, a smile plastered on her face.

"Excuse me, sir. Here's your orange juice, just as you requested" she gave both of us a glass with orangish drink. I gulped it down because I was thirsty.

Taehyung looks at the glass, then back at Michelle, a confused frown on his face.

"This isn't orange juice. This is cranberry" he said as if he is sure just by looking at it.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, sir. Let me just double check..." She checks the tray again, then looks at him. "It looks like I made a mistake. Please give me one moment, I'll get you the right drink" she bows to apologise but this guy is so arrogant he did not even acknowledged. She returning a few moments later with another glass.

"Here you go, sir. Freshly squeezed orange juice, just for you." She smiled

"Thank you" I'm glad atleast he said that. Who is he? Like seriously he is full of himself. He thinks he is a celebrity here. He takes a sip, then frowns again. "This isn't orange juice either. It's pineapple" he slam the glass on the table attacked to the seat.

"What's wrong Michele?" head attendant came and watch the junior attendant looking down in shame because everyone looked at her with judgemental eyes. Jungkook felt bad for her because it's bad to create such a scene.

Head air hostess listen to what the issue is about and check the list in her hands. As per seat number 22 Mr Kim taehyung has pre-ordered orange juice. I sat there to enjoy the fight.

"Taehyung: A young man, clearly frustrated. Flight Attendant Michelle Professional but starting to lose her patience" I'm narrating the characters but laughed at my own joke.

Her smile falters, clearly struggling to maintain composure. "Oh, I apologize sir. This is truly getting frustrating. Let me get you a new glass". She turns to leave, but Taehyung stops her.

"Wait. Don't you think there's something wrong here? It's not just the drinks. It's like...everything is off. I asked for a chicken sandwich, and they gave me tuna. I asked for a blanket, they brought me a pillow" this guy kept on being brat to the attendant for what. Dude it's just ten hour flight it's not your home.

Her voice tightens, a hint of exasperation in her tone. "Sir, I understand you're having a difficult time, but let's try to remain calm. We're doing our best to assist you. Would you like to discuss this with the flight supervisor?"

"No, I just want the right drinks. Is there anything else available? Maybe something that isn't fruit juice?"

"Of course, sir. We have water, coffee, tea, and some other options. Let me show you the menu"

Taehyung's mood had soured at the thought of being served the wrong drink.

His annoyance was palpable as he sipped on the correct beverage, unable to shake off the initial disappointment. The flight attendant, noticing Taehyung's discontent, offered another apology and a small gesture of goodwill. His anger softened slightly, appreciating the effort to make amends.

As the flight continued, Taehyung's initial annoyance gradually faded, replaced by a sense of understanding. Despite the mishap, he acknowledged that mistakes happen and chose to focus on the rest of the journey with a diva attitude.

"Uff high maintenance beauty" I sighed once the drama got over but stupid heart wants to start a conversation because taehyung looks pissed.

"Stop looking at me Jungkook" taehyung said reading his magazine. What did he notice me? When? And he remembers me?

"You remember me?" I chuckled.

"Obviously" he rolled his eyes and snickered.

"Hello to you too" I smiled shifting my body towards him like a pervert. There is just something about him which makes me connect to him. He has such a magnetic charisma.

"Okay this is weird but I was hoping you to come here" he said bitting his lips and shrugging his shoulders meaning not guilty.

"What?" I asked shocked. I never expected anyone to hope meeting me next time.

"How will you react if I tell you I got a crush on you" taehyung smiled.

"Please tell me it's a prank don't do this to my poor heart" I held my heart dramatically. He lean down from his cabin to mind and peck my lips. It was so fast I could not even register what is happening.

Oh my goodness, let me tell you about this guy I saw the other day. He is seriously the most gorgeous human my eyes have ever laid eyes on. I mean, seriously, he is like a Greek god come to life. His smile could light up a room, and his eyes are the deepest shade of brown that I have ever seen. It's like they are staring straight into my soul every time he looks my way. And don't even get me started on his hair - it's perfectly tousled in a way that looks effortless but you know took hours to achieve.

I swear, every time he walks by, my heart skips a beat. I don't even know him properly, but I can't help but blush every time I see him. It's like he's cast some sort of spell on me with his good looks and charm. I just hope he knows how truly beautiful he is to my eyes.


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