Chapter:34: FORGIVE ME

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Next morning

He cried his heart out last night, the tears streaming down his face as he struggled to contain his emotions. The weight of the world seemed to be resting heavily on his shoulders, and it showed in the way his eyes were swollen and red.

His usually bright and lively demeanor had been replaced with a somber and defeated expression, leaving those around him concerned for his well-being. Despite the pain he was clearly feeling, he made no effort to hide his vulnerability, allowing himself to fully feel and express his emotions.

Jungkook looks lifeless. He kicked his luggage, he really doesn't want anything right now. As he walked downstairs, he put his hands in his pockets, feeling lost and unsure of what to do next. Should he run away to Jimin for comfort and reassurance, or should he stay here with Taehyung and try to figure things out on his own?

The weight of his emotions and confusion was evident in his hunched shoulders and furrowed brow, making it hard for him to make a decision. He felt torn between seeking solace in the familiar presence of Jimin or facing his uncertainties head-on with Taehyung by his side. The internal struggle was visible in his eyes, clouded with doubt and fear.

All he needed was a guiding hand and a listening ear to help him navigate through this difficult moment in his life.

He walked down to see whole Kim family smiling chartering something happily. Grandpa look at him with a smile. "Come here Jungkook have breakfast" he called him. But Jungkook stood there because his tongue is pricking to say something.

He pulled out the letter and gave it to Mr Kim with his shaking hands. Mr Kim frown at that and open it.

"What is this Jungkook?" He asked in shock.

"I don't want to know if I won this or not. There's my resignation" Jungkook said. His voice come out very low and growl due to throat pain.

"What are you saying Jungkook?" Mrs Kim walked to him and held his hands. She was hoping for good news. They all loved him not just them but entire family is ready to accept him.

Taehyung just stood there seeing Jungkook lifeless there is something wrong with him. He left Jungkook to let it out.

"Winning was always important to me but I failed to see what I want to win. I signed up for this game thinking it would be a fun challenge, but now I realize that my desire to win has come at a cost. I have hurt everyone around me in my relentless pursuit of victory, and I can see now that my actions were selfish and destructive. I pushed people away, ignored their feelings, and trampled over anyone who got in my way" Jungkook look down saying that. Entire family stood up hearing that.

"I was so focused on coming out on top that I lost sight of what truly matters in life - relationships, compassion, and empathy. I sacrificed my integrity and values in the name of winning, and now I am left feeling empty and alone" he looked into her eyes. He want to boldly say whatever it is. Even when he is considered bad here he should bring out his real intention. If not he will never be able to move on.

"As I reflect on my behavior, I can see the damage I have caused and the pain I have inflicted on those closest to me. I am filled with regret and shame for my actions, and I realize now that winning at all costs is not worth the price of losing the respect and love of those I care about"

"Jungkook....Mr jeon stood there not knowing what to say. Jungkook really looks lost.

"No sir don't say anything. Let me talk. Thank you so much for teaching me life values. Getting job in your company is what motivated me to built my own game but here you become my life mentor as well" Jungkook smiled sadly. Mr Kim pat his shoulders.

"I never realised I changed until tae told me I did. I was so full of myself I never notice what I'm doing to my loved ones" he turned towards grandpa Kim. "Don't look at me like this please. You think I'm great because I brought your family closer but the truth is no I did nothing to your family. They are family eventually they will love each other. One or the other day family will understand" he chuckled with tears in his eyes "like me" he whispered.

"I wanted to prove myself to you specially after knowing you are taehyungs father my eagerness to prove you increased. I really love your work sir" he told to Mr Kim how much he admire him since college days.

"My father always taught me that I should strive to make four other people happy along with myself, but I never truly understood the importance of this simple lesson. Instead of learning from his wisdom, I often caused him pain with my stubbornness. Yet, despite my faults, my father always hid his own pain and compromised for my sake. Indeed I hurt everyone along my way" Jungkook look down.

"In life, in order for two people to truly win and be a successful couple, one must be willing to bend just a little so the other can fit into their arms comfortably. I failed to realize this and ended up hurting someone very dear to me. Jimin, my beloved Jimin, loved me more than words can express. He was willing to sacrifice his own happiness for mine, even giving up his world just to ensure my success. But in return, I mistreated and broke him in front of everyone" family attentively listen to him. Taehyung expression changed from confused to sad chuckle he knew it jimin is not just his friend.

"Irony is I never truly appreciated the concept of understanding and making adjustments in a relationship until now. I always believed that compatible people should naturally be able to live together harmoniously. However, until losing someone as caring and compassionate as Jimin to realize the value of empathy and compromise. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn from my mistakes and strive to be a better person moving forward" Jungkook wipe his flowing tears swiftly so no one see it but the thing is he is naked (not literally) in front of everyone they can clearly see him threw his skin (heart)

"Taehyung-ah if you can please forgive me. I'm not the one for you. You are truly an amazing human but I'm not the same for you. I just hope you are the last person I take for granted and hurt. I did bad I'm sorry" Jungkook bow down completely without bothering much. All he want is forgiveness.

"So it came to this extent?" Mrs Kim asked wiping his tears. "You used to say let them think whatever. if I'm happy that's fine. Look at you now" she smiled with her teary eyes. Whatever it is Jungkook indeed changed and changed lot in everyone here. Jungkook look at taehyung waiting for him to say something.

"You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I am eternally grateful for how you have changed me for the better. I never respected my own family never understood their values. Thank you for bringing so much happiness into my life, and for showing me that I am not alone anymore. Look at my family now, filled with love and support. I am no longer envious or bitter towards others, but instead inspired to go after what truly belongs to me" taehyung came closer and hug Jungkook wipping his tears.

"Can we be friends?" Taehyung asked sadly Jungkook nods his head with tears hugging him but had teary eyes with a content smile. Entire family look at them with smile. Taehyung pulled away from the hug and stood in front of Mr Kim.

"Appa, I am sorry for any pain that I may have caused you. I truly understand where you're coming from now. I realize that I may not have seen things clearly before, but I am genuinely sorry for not understanding you sooner. I can see how my previous actions may have caused you frustration or disappointment, and for that, I apologize. I appreciate all that you do for me and the guidance you provide, even if it's not always easy for me to see it in the moment. I want to work on improving our relationship and communication moving forward. Please forgive me for any misunderstandings or hurt that I may have caused" taehyung stood in front of his father like a small kid apologising him. Mr Kim smiled and pulled him for hug.

"Jungkook son, thank you" Mr Kim whispered hugging taehyung to his chest.

"Go Jungkook. Go get him" taehyung pushed Jungkook outside to run outside the house. Jungkook smiled seeing everyone.

"Thank you so much. Good bye" Jungkook walk back words.

"Best of luck" they yelled at him.


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