Chapter 29-Sunny

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Yes it's short. Yes it seems a bit out of place. Yes I'm eating grapes.

Don't judge me! -abcdefgbarn

The tornado finally stopped whirling and we were dropped off at the Thar Desert, near India’s border.

Again we ended up resting a little before heading out. Semba seemed tired, but not as bad as when we had gone to the mountains and blondie was looked pretty energized. Knox looked comfortable (thanks to yours truly’s handiwork) and Melody seemed a bit drained. I accounted this all to the heat and set my mind to think about other things. Like Caprin. I couldn’t help but wonder if there were other Libras out there, not just the ones back at the dorms. I also couldn’t help but wonder how he could be a Libra if his aura was all black. No Libra had perfectly equal aura, but it was always pretty close. I guess I was intrigued and as the sun over head went down, I was able to drift off into sleep.



A test

A white room. I was in a white room.

Two choices

Save it


A mirror appeared. A point appeared on it and slowly became bigger and bigger until I could make out the outline of a certain boy with bleach white hair and cold green eyes.

“You.” I whispered as the voices continued around me and I looked at Caprin with annoyance. He smirked from the other side of the mirror.

“The voices are annoying huh?” he asked casually, as if he had not just tried to kill my best friend a couple hours ago. I tried to keep the shock out of my face at the fact that he could hear them too and looked at him pointedly, daring him to continue the awkward conversation. After a bit of silence (and glaring from my part) he finally sighed, “You can stop looking at me like you want to drive a dagger into me.” And I was again shocked at how casual he sounded. Even though I was curious about him, I still hated him for what he did to Knox.

“Why are you here? You interrupted a wonderful dream about two sumo ducks.” I complained as the mirror-Caprin laughed.

“Do you know why I’m here?” he asked.

“No. That’s why I posed the question you conniving little bas-”

“Alright, no bad language here. I’m here to ask if you’ll join me.”


“Join me on my quest to purge the world of all those who seek to over ride us pure-blooded.”

“I’m sorry, I thought you just asked me to join you. In the exact was that Draco Malfoy asks Harry to hang with him in their first year. And like Harry, the definite reply would be-hm let me think-no.” I replied (I’m almost as much of a Harry Potter freak as Melody ok? Don’t. Blame. Me.), though I was still kind of curious, “You seemed smarter than this though. You just tried to kill my friend, if you ask me to join you on your deluded quest; you knew I was going to say no. So why ask in the first place?” I wondered when I had stopped treating this dream like a dream and started to get serious.

“Sharp one aren’t you? Well, I guess I just wanted to know your opinion.”

“On what?”

“This ‘deluded quest’ as you put it. I honestly agree with you, but I have no choice. You see it’s because my mother-”

I cut him off right there before he started some bogus sob story, “You’re lying. And you also know that I can sense when people do that, so what the hell is your point?” I asked, angry that I couldn’t see it and unwilling to end the dream before I found out. Caprin let himself grin like he just found an interesting new toy and I decided to end it, “Whatever, see you never hopefully.” I said and just as I was about to end the dream he cried out and tried to get me to stop. Only then did I finally see what he was trying to do.

“You’re tracking us!” I cried out and saw a look of annoyance on his face that confirmed my suspicions. I thought about cussing him out, but I had to end the dream. I closed my eyes and-

-didn’t find myself back on the blanket I was lying on.

Instead I was floating in a blank space. It was all dark except for a slight yellow light that illuminated the center. I tried swimming to it, but something was holding me back. I kicked and punched and looked back to see what was restricting me.

Two choices

Knox, Melody, Blondie, and Semba were all holding onto me. Their faces scratched and bruised. They were yelling something I couldn’t make out and I felt myself get angry. They had to let me go! I needed to get to that light.

Two choices

Someone was pulling me now. Pulling the hands restricting me. I turned and saw Caprin’s outline, the rest of him a shadow. The people were screaming. Who were they again? I forgot, I only felt frustration at them bounding me. The light was getting brighter. It was now or never, but I stopped. If I pulled away, I would kill those restricting me. But why would I care? I didn’t know them. They were below me. I hesitated, the black outline still prying the hands off of me.

Two choices

“Nope.” I whispered, “I’m going with option three.” And I held my breath until I felt the darkness surround me.


I woke up panting and sweating like the devil was on my heels.

 Thank you everyone for reading this story :D

you da best ;)


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