Chapter 38-Sunny

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I was dreaming about ducks when I woke up and saw the whole world light up in a yellow beam. When I ran outside I saw Knox's whole body glowing and Semba was shaking her.

Yeah. Real smart move there. I'm suuureee that that will wake her up.

"Semba, what the hell?!" I screamed and ran over to my almost dead looking friend and switched on my vision to see what was going on. What I saw almost made me choke. It was like the message that Libra had sent us, completely black and white.

But multiplied by, like, fifty.

Melody and Taris had come out at this point and Melody was screaming her head off. Somewhere along the lines of "Holyflipflappinflapjackpeopledontglowlikethatright?ImeanImprettysuretheydon'tandiftheydididwanttoseehow..."

I watched in amazement as The light from Knox went into the center of our little camp and became more and more solid until Knox finally stopped glowing and hung limp in Semba's arms.

When I looked at the figure that was now standing in our camp, I knew excatly who it was.

"Hello Libra."


Libra looked at all of us knowingly and smiled, " I want to congratulate you all for being able to unite at home and find me!" she exclaimed in a fairly Walish accent and was about to say more when Semba interrupted.

"WHAT THE HELL LADY?!" he yelled, which he doesn't do very often unless with Knox, "You made us play your demented version of hide-n-seek and almost killed Knox! Why the hell would you try to come through someone that's already injured?!" he asked furiously. I raised my eyebrow at him.

"What do you mean come through?" I asked, and he frowned like I was getting off track, but he answered me anyways.

"When a figure head wants to get somewhere quickly, they can use other colonists to transport themselves," he said impatiently and turned towards Libra, "but usually those people get a heads up and it's a usually painless process." he said shaking Knox to make a point. Libra just shrugged.

"Yes, well, normal colonists usually can't handle my presense of utter balance. That girl was in a favourable spot so I only did what I thought fit."  she retorted and Semba scoffed at her, she ignored it though, "As I was saying, as a reward for being able to find me, or more that I thought you worthy for me to find you, I shall help you solve the problem of our little civil war."

"Little my arse" Taris mumbled (I'm pretty sure he said that before" and he then turned to Libra, "It would be such an honour for you to do this Libra. Your skills of peacemaking are widely known." he complimented and Melody rolled her eyes. I'm sure we were both thinking the same thing, 'brownoser'

What a weird term. I mean, brown and nose are two words and a brown nose is simply a nose that is brown so how can putting those two words together change it into a verb and mean a completely diffrent thing? Why is the English language so weird? This is exactly what happened with the oranges! 

I also wonder when this became normal. My friend is pretty zombie looking and a lady just popped out of a bunch of glowing light and now we're talking like this is completely normal and that we're at a press conference. The only agitated looking one here is Semba.

ok Sunny. Off track again.

"If that all is well, then I shall meet you back at the dormitories" she said and was about to transport  herself again when Semba interrupted her again.

"Wait! What will happen at Knox's home?" he asked, 'We didn't unite at home yet have we?" and Libra looked at him like he's stupid.

Eh. Not so far off there.

"Home is where the heart is." she said simply and vanished. We all kind of just stood there looking into the empty space where she had been when Semba finally broke the silence by picking Knox up and heading towards her tent. 

I was almost sure that he wasn't going to say a word, but before he went in he yelled, "Pack Your Bags! We're flying Air Semba Tomorrow!"

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