Chapter 39- Knox

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For a person who's supposed to be the 'figure of balance', my emotions weren't exactly balanced.

In fact. I was pretty pissed off.

I wasn't exactly sure what happened, but I heard Taris, Sunny, and Melody talking about an 'encounter with her' and such. They were also talking pretty loudly in front of a tent where a person was supposed to be sleeping (that would be me), but I didn't really mind, at least I knew what was going on (though they could have been a littttllleee quieter. Just a little bit). Finally adhereing to the fact that I wasn't going to get back to sleep, I slowly lifted myself, expecting to be hit with a wave of pain that didn't come. Wait, what the what? I stood up completely (which shouldn't have been possible at that point, at least, I don't think it should have been) and lifted my shirt.

Not a scratch.

The area where my skin was torn, scabbed, and burnt had been replaced with new, smooth skin like it had never before been touched. I stumbled back onto my makeshift bed and closed my eyes.

How. the bloody. Heck. Does that happen?

When that Libra Lady came she must have.

Dammnn. Now how am I supposed to be mad at her?

Well, I'm not exactly happy with her either.

Ooohh. Lady of Balance. I get it now.

My head feels funny.

"Stupid figure heads." I mumbled to myself as I started to change my shirt since it was soaked with sweat (gross, I know) when I heard a cough from the corner.

And I am, in no way, responsible for what happened next for I swear to you that figure head transport mojo had my head ll twisted up.

"Em, Knox, do you mind not changing right in front of me?" I heard a familiar voice say.  My eyes lingered to the corner of the tent where a particular tan boy with dark brown eyes sat with an enormous blush on his face.

That blush was, by no means, bigger than the one I had on my face.

"SEMBA! YOU PERRVVVEEE!!!" I screamed and tackled him to the ground, then laughed because it didn't hurt to tackle him. Then laughed some more because it didn't hurt to laugh either (let's just say I was in hysterics for more than a little while).

"Uh, Knox?" he wheezed like he was getting his breath knocked out (granted, I still had my knee to his throat). I laughed and rolled off him and continued laughing, literally, like crazy. I'm pretty sure that I wasn't int he right state of mind from the time that I woke up, but I wasn't too caring about that. I also don't know when my giggles died down, but when they did, he was still looking at me witth he same look of confusion.

"Sorry, sorry. That was a bit crazy, but it doesn't hurt anymore!" I said bubbily and giggled again because hey, bubbles are pretty damn funny. I looked at Semba to see whther he was laughing at the bubbles, but he wasn't. I pouted and poked him on the chest, "What's wrong, don't you like bubbles?" I demanded.

"Knox maybe you should-wait what?"

"Don't you like bubbles???!!!" I yelled and he just looked at me with the most bemused expression, "Bubble hater." I murmured.

"Knox, I think you might be a little loopy, why don't you go back to bed?" he asked, eyebrows tight-knit.

"Loopy is a fun word!" I smiled, pumping my hands in the air to emphasize how 'fun' the word was, and I finally saw Semba's expression soften with a smile.

"Yes, it's a very fun word, now why don't you go back to bed?" 

"Ok!" I agreed and jumped to my feet and then promptly fell down again, "the room is spinning Semba! Whhheeee!!" I laughed, "I'm on a carousel!" I spread my arms out and tried (and failed) to turn in circles on my knees. Semba kneeled down and grabbed my arm, "look, there's pretty carousel over there! It's called your bed!" he said, not sarcastically though, as he helped me towards the blankets. As I felt black tint the corners of my eyes like dark bubbles, I started to remember someone yelling my name as a glow enveloped my body. Semba started to let go of my arm to put me back on my bed, but I kept my grasp on his arm and pulled him into a hug.

"Uh-um-what was that for?" he stuttered when I finally let go.

"A thank you."

And I let the bubbles take over.

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