Chapter 44- Knox

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I watched, my vision tinted red, as Taris charged the smiling bleach head.

"YOU BACKSTABBING SON OF A-" but he didn't finished his sentence. Taurus had sent one of her daggers flying and it pinned his arm to the cave wall behind us with a sickening crunch. He kicked at her weakly as she walked up to him and twisted the knife, raking a guttural scream from him.

Melody and I moved to kick the creepily pleasant looking lady's behind, but she only twisted more and motioned for us to stop so that everything was silent aide from the screaming and the occassional KREET.

"Oh no dearie, any closer and I'll move it to more than just his arm." she said, showing a smile with all of he teeth, "Good job Capricorn, we can lock them up now and decide what to do with the later." she finished, pulling the knife out of Taris's arm and letting him crumple to the ground. Scorpio nodded and motioned for the rest of his bug monsters, now keenly aware that the five of us were not bug siblings, and threw us in a earth prison like the one in Everest.

"I knew it. I freaking knew it. That moth-" I let out a stream of curse words that would have earned me a slap from Libra, "once a goat always a goat" I finished, and Semba nodded, pretending that the sentence made sense before hurrying off to help Taris who had passed out and Melody who was freaking out. 

I then saw Sunny, who was holding back tears. I put a hand on her shoulder, though we both knew I was completely incapable of cheering anyone up.

"Hey champ." I said, grinning weakly and lightly punched her shoulder. She looked up at me with her doe eyes.

"I trusted him." she said, kicking the ground, "I trusted him after what he did. I thought I could make him better, because he seemed so good when we talked. Like he could change." she said, kicking the ground again with less aggression and slumped to the floor, "and now this happens." she said, gesturing to where Taris was slowly beginning to wake up. I looked out of our cage to where our goal was, the black flame seemed so close but so far away. All we had to do was get out of this accursed cage and have Sunny restore the light, but it seemed almost impossible to do now.

"As long as they're in there" I heard Caprin say, "there is no way we can lose this war." He smiled and turned towards us, holding up our weapons and grinning evilly, staring at a spot next to Sunny's leg.

I tried to summon my bow, but because it was not truly lost, I couldn't get it to appear on the other side of the cage, so I settled with threats.

"When I get out of this cage, I swear I will make you eat your own goat chop legs, ya hear me?" I threatened with a deadly whisper. Caprin only laughed, but there was a sort of desperation in his voice as he stared harder at the spot. I shook my head, not wanting to play whatever game he was making. I tried to reach my hands out to grab his neck, but he back stepped and sighed.

"Come, fellow figure heads, let's join the war at the surface." he announced.

"What about the prisoners?" Virgo asked, earning nods from the rest of them.

"The prisoners are exactly what they are. They cannot leave a Terra built cage. For all I care, they can rot there even after the war is over."

This seemed to please Taurus, who laughed giddily and exclaimed, "To war then!" to which they all cheered,

"To war!"

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