Chapter 7-Knox

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After eating my meat-only sandwich, I turned to look at my friends. Melody was still looking at her sandwich, and Sunny was staring out a window. It was normal for Melody to be zoning out, but not Sunny. I was about to say something to make them both laugh, but the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. I went next to Sunny because we both had honors Math next.

“So, math test today huh.”


“Did you study?”


“You do realize I’m lying right.”

Sunny stopped and looked at me, just stared, like she was looking through me.


I turned away uncomfortably and got my stuff. When I turned back Sunny was gone. Where did she go? “Oh well,” I thought, “I guess I’d better get to class without her.”  I felt someone tap my back repeatedly. I almost turned around and smacked them, but then I saw Sunny. Laughing. Really hard.

“What’s so funny?”

“Did you think I magically disappeared? I hid under the table until you turned around! You got spooked!”

I sighed. Now that was definitely something Sunny would do.

“You didn’t scare me. I was about to leave without you and-” my sentence was interrupted by the late bell. “Oh crap! We’re late!” I said and ran out of the lunchroom, leaving Sunny behind.

Luckily, I got to class before the door closed, so I was safe. Sunny, on the other hand, had no such luck. When she finally got to class, Ms. Acheson sent her to the office to ‘fetch’ a pass. After her office run, Sunny sat huffingly next to me. I felt something vibrate in my pocket.

-Sunny (You Know It!) has entered the conversation-

Sunny: Thanks for leaving me back there pal.

-Knox has entered the conversation-

Knox: No problem

Sunny: >.<

I smiled and put my phone away. Ms. Acheson was standing right behind me, and I couldn’t risk losing my phone.  Ms. Acheson was a wonderful teacher, but she was a bit too organized and hates when people use phones in class. I’m not too fond of her, but Sunny, on the other hand, adored her and so did Melody. Sometimes I think that those two are like peaches and squirrels, but then I realize how alike they are. They both didn’t have any siblings, both didn’t have pets, and they both had those deep dark eyes, though Sunny’s were purpler and Melody’s were bluer. My eyes were just a plain brown that I hated. I once went to a caramel factory and before the caramel was heated into a single uniform color, it had patches of lighter and darker browns, mixed in with yellow. I thought it was appalling, but my mom looked at me ever so sweetly and said, “Look honey! That’s your eye color!”

Math passed by quickly and after gym, it was finally time to go home. Sunny and I walked towards Foose Croony’s bus. When I got in, he barely noticed me (as always), but when Sunny got in, he actually looked up from beneath his cap and stared at her. I caught a glimpse of his eyes. They were an unnatural bright green with orange and purple laced in the iris. He put his cap back down as I took my usual spot next to the window seat. When Sunny sat down next to me I thought that she would say something about this weird happening, and probably make fun of Foose Croony, but she said nothing.

I clenched my teeth. I decided that for all her annoyingness I really, really hated quiet Sunny. I punched in her arm like I usually did when I wanted to get her attention. She turned and looked at me with a ‘What? I’m trying to think’ look on her face. That wasn’t right, Sunny doesn’t think about things, she just does them. “Hey, what’s your problem huh? You were acting normal up until lunch, what’s wrong with you?!” I wanted to say, but I couldn’t.

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