Cutting Ties: Part Two

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"Logan, take a breath. Let me drive." I can tell that he's about to sob. He's choking on tears and pushing the gas pedal all the way to the floor of his baby-blue Porsche.

For siblings, they're close. Especially since I've gotten pregnant. She helped me plan our baby shower and then set up the nursery. We were going to plan the wedding together, but now I have no idea what is going to happen. God, I genuinely hope she's okay!

Logan and I franticly race through the hospital halls. Our feet carry us as fast as a galloping stallion as we see Shira crying in the corner and Mitchum talking to a doctor who looks like a surgeon. Logan races towards his mother. I'm quick to follow. "Mom!" Shira looks up while she sniffles. "Mom, what happened?"

"S-she was," Shira sobs, "Your sister was hit by a car. The driver was drunk."

Logan's eyes fill with tears. He walks up to the doctor, putting his hand out. The doctor shakes my fiancee's hand.

I stay with Shira, placing my hand on her knee. I am terrified right now. Terrified for Honor, terrified our family, terrified my daughter will never know her aunt. Logan walks towards us. He looks worried. "Logan, what's wrong?"

"The doctor said she has a brain injury. It could cause seizures for the rest of her life." I hug the man I love.

Mitchum's face looks hopeful as he comes to comfort his wife. "The surgeon also told me everything went well. We will be able to see her as soon as she's ready."

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