Happy birthday

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Logan's perspective
One year later

It's five o'clock in the morning and I am wide awake. We couldn't get Lo to sleep until twelve o'clock. She's only had a few hours of sleep and she's starting to flutter. But today is unique. Today, I became a first-time father. A beautiful blonde-haired brown-eyed baby girl changed my life forever, for the better.

My daughter is one year old today! It's been crazy to watch her grow. The only milestone she's not up to age with is language. She hasn't said a word. I'm not worried. She's absolutely perfect just the way she is! She's walking with her toys, sitting up independently, and pulling up on us like crazy. She adores her Aunt Honor and fruit! My little girl loves the original Blue's Clues and she's a little giggle box when we play peek-a-boo! Her favorite toy is a stuffed elephant my sister gifted her when we celebrated her sixth-month milestone. "Happy birthday, baby girl. Mommy and I love you. We love you so much." Lo smiles at me as Ace walks in. With a coffee cup in hand, she grins at us.

"Good morning, you two. Happy birthday baby girl," Ace whispers to Lo.

I hand our baby to her mother and head towards the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. I roll my head and thankfully my neck cracks. On the counter, there's a pink vanilla cupcake with a candle in the middle. I light it and then take it to my girls. Ace looks concerned when I enter. "What's wrong?"

"She hasn't said a word, ever. I'm just worried."

"It will be okay, Ace. She's happy as well as healthy. That's what matters." I smile and tuck her hair behind her ear. She shoots me a sad, troubled smile. "Look what I found." I hold up the candle-lit, sweet treat then blow out the flame. The joy it creates on our baby's face makes me chuckle. I let her suck a little bit of the icing off my finger. She grins.

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