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I slide up towards the top of my pillow. A yawn escapes my lips as birds chirp. Logan is sound asleep with his hand on my baby bump. It's reassuring that he wants to be with me. He wants to be involved. I love that for our baby. Especially since my Dad was mostly absent. I can't wait to see what kind of father Logan will be.

"Good morning, Ace."

"Morning," I reply with a smile. I'm waiting for my coffee to cool. We haven't set any plans in stone yet. We're going to discuss the details later tonight after our dinner with Grandma. "Can I ask you something?"

"Always." There's a spark of amusement in his eyes as he shoots me a bold smile.

"You are doing this for the baby, not just for me?" I follow his hand to mine. I catch myself holding my breath. I can't help but wonder if he's doing this out of spite. Spite towards his family, or spite toward his father's plans.

"Everything I have done has been for you and our baby. Every choice I've made is out of love.

"Can we do a pro/con?"

Logan smiles and scoots up to a sitting position. "Sure, Ace."

"My pro is that the baby would have a father. My con is that your family, especially your parents, would be opinionated about raising her. Another pro is that we are on the same page and know what we want for her. That con is family interference."

"If my parents try anything like that, I will cut them off. I'll walk away and the three of us can start over."

Always AceWhere stories live. Discover now