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Kara's POV:

Max finished talking to the General with the President approving of Max's Plans. I went to where Y/n is.

She's focused on the screen. No emotion on her face. "I'm getting you back, Y/n. Just hold on." I whisper.

"That's my daughter, Y/n." I heard Cat's voice behind me. I turned to face Cat as she just stared at Y/n.

"Yeah, I was just trying to figure out what they're doing on the computer. Maybe i could read something out." I made up an excuse.

"Well, did you?" Cat asked raising a brow.

"No. It's all in code." I said sighing.

"Supergirl. Get my daughter back to me." Cat says. I nodded. I will get her back. I will get everyone back.

Alex's POV:

"Alex said you were both on the run. Are you in some kind of trouble with the DEO?" i hear my mom's voice coming closer as she talks to J'onn.

I cocked my gun getting their attention as i placed my gun in my holster.

"Alex we've been through this." J'onn said.

"If you expect me to just watch you for away, you're out of your mind." I said walking past my mom and J'onn.

"This is not up for discussion." J'onn argued.

"Alex, i know how brave you are, but you cannot fight this." My mom tried to convince me.

"Yes. Yes, we can. I remember the last time i watched my father walk out that door. It was the worst day of my life. Not finding out whether or not he was coming back, but watching him go. Knowing that whatever happened next, i had no say. That is not me." I argued.

"There's nothing you can do." J'onn said

"Yes, there is. If you help me. You can protect me. You can use you telepathy to guard my mind." I said still trying to convince them that i could come.

"All right." J'onn said finally giving up.

My mom gave a hug before me and J'onn left.

Kara's POV:

I was trying to clear my head outside the balcony. Watching the lights left on. The wind brushing through my face. This situation reminded me of my mother. I have to stop Myriad.

"I always liked the view of out this window. Wished I had it for my office."
Cat says. "I like looking at the park. All the people. Mothers pushing their strollers. Kids playing. I wonder which of them will die in Max's moronic attempt to save the world." She added as I sighed.

"I don't know how to fight this. What would you have me do?" I asked Cat because I am currently running out of options.

"You should come up with a better plan than irradiating the city and killing thousands of people." Cat says.

"My mother was faced with this decision on Krypton. To act or do nothing. And she chose wrong. I love her but she didn't save Krypton like she promised. And my planet died. My culture. My home. My parents. Everything was just wiped from the stars. How can i let that happen again?" I said scared of what's coming next. I don't want to lose Earth just like I lost Krypton.

"I know you're scared. I am too. But so is Max. And so is Non for that matter. All of you are letting your fear guide you, but somebody has to find the courage to stand up even though they're afraid. You know the worst decisions that I've ever made in my life were based on fear. But you showed me that there was another way to be strong, by having faith in people. By believing that goodness would prevail. And because of you i started letting people in. I even opened up myself up to my assistant Ker-rah," She chuckled "who helped me have a relationship with my kids again. Now, I can't tell you what to do, Supergirl. But if you've taught me anything, you have taught me that hope it's stronger than fear. And that is what I think of every time I look at that." Cat pointed at the glyph on my chest. "You've changed me. And I am not easy to change. And I believe that you can change everyone out there. Not with violence, Not with fear. Just be Supergirl. That's all anyone's ever needed from you." Cat said inspiring me. I feel Hopeful.

"Thank you, Cat" I said pulling her into a hug. "That gives me an idea" I said pulling away from the hug.

Maybe there is another way to get them back. I have to try.


I might start a new story while I'm working on this one. Could be another supergirl story or maybe a Gwen Stacy/Spider gwen story.

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