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Pic of Luka.
Book one of the twins series

Bang!! That was the first noise that signalled something was wrong. Crashing snarling and screaming followed, at this point both twin boys had sprung up in their beds completely alarmed, although, not so much that they were frozen on the spot. Having been warned by father that this type of situation might occur, Luka and Lucas immediately hopped from their beds in the room they shared and made their way to the rug in the middle of the room, lifting it they pulled back the floorboards that father had told them to use, to find a passageway that led them to the outside.

Luka had always been braver than his twin, being first born by eight and a half minutes he felt he needed to protect his brother as much as he could, so he made sure that Lucas went into the passage first then he grabbed the bag that was hidden under his bed and joined him, he replaced the rug and then reassembled the removed floorboards.

Firstly Luka took the potion that blocks their scent from the bag and sprayed himself and then Lucas. All the while he could hear the noise continuing in their bungalow a few doors away from them. Having been instructed by father not to think about what was happening to him and mother but to run fast and as far as they could the boys took off quickly and quietly, fearing for their own safety.

After two hours of running with occasional stops to get their breathing back to normal the twins came to an opening, by then the sun had started to rise so they headed in that direction as instructed by father.

Luka looked at his sobbing brother and grabbed his hand, "we have to travel for another three days on foot staying in the mapped out places that father marked for us to reach the safe house in the human territory. Can you try to keep up and not be too upset?, I am upset too but there is a small hope that mother and father will make it there in a few days, we have to hope Lucas it's all we have right now". Lucas nodded and replied " I'll try I promise, I love you". "I love you too, I'll do my best to keep us safe I promise that". With that said the brothers took off.

Three long days later Luka and Lucas arrived at the safe house where they had money, warmth, clothes, food and all the necessities to live off of, here they waited for any sign of their parents. At the age of sixteen being alone for the first time was a frightening idea but soon became a harsh reality for the boys.

After two weeks they became more and more doubtful that their parents weren't coming let alone alive. After two months it was painfully and heartbreakingly obvious that they were indeed alone in the world. Within six months life took on a new routine for them, with the papers their father had signed in advance they were able to enrole in school, these documents stated that their parents worked long hours and were often out of town therefore they were unable to attend any school meetings or functions taking place in the boys senior year.

The twins settled into their new life and vowed never to return to their pack or join any other werewolf packs again in fear of being caught by those that had killed their parents.

Twin mates for twin alphas - book one of the twin series boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now