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Pic of Lucas.

Lukas PoV

I can't help it, I really can't and it's both great and upsetting all at once. He's holding my hand and not the moon goddess herself would make me let go, because, well, I can't help but feel so happy and safe for the first time since I was ten and we lived with that pack.

Before it all went wrong and we had to flee. All those years spent with just my parents and Lucas, I was being trained in the art of worry and protection.  It wasn't my fathers fault but we couldn't do it to Lucas, couldn't worry him the way our safety needed someone to be worried. Yes, we made him cautious but not worried, not like I had to be. Don't get me wrong we had plenty of fun once we were back in the door at night and father never over-worked me in training just pushed my limits, in order for me to be ready should that dreadful day ever happen.

Then when it happened all the work paid off and the worry just increased but I've managed to keep us alive and somewhat happy. I won't lie it's been hard to stay on top of things and watching my poor brother fall apart and become so introvert killed me inside. We kept going, waiting to be found and being prepared to run, all the while thinking we couldn't have our mates because this situation was so unexpected. We presumed if we met our mates they would just be regular wolves like us and we couldn't risk their safety for anything. So to find out the two most powerful alphas are our mates changes things drastically.

Now I don't know what to do because the thought of going back to all that worry alone, never feeling this bliss, not feeling this safe and wanted, not seeing my brother happily whispering, while,holding someone else's hand that's not mine, breaks me inside.

I think back to Lucas in the office this morning, how sincere he was about his, already, developed feelings toward our mates. I think it's the first time he's been so open and honest about anyone but my parents and I, especially someone we don't know that well. I mean we've known, Tim, Laney and Josh, for a year and he barely speaks to them.

"You ok babe?" I hear Damon ask. I don't know how to reply, I mean, am I?, I don't think I am, the weight of these decisions lay with me and even if it breaks his heart I know my twin would follow what I say. "Don't think so hard, I am here for you talk to me, we can separate from our brothers after breakfast and talk privately, if you like. You need to talk your too tense, I know you have a lot of decisions to make in order to keep yourself and Lucas safe  but you are not alone anymore. I am here and I'll respect anything you say, I promise".

I think about it, could he help me, I can't give him our history yet but talking to someone who is used to being in charge of a whole pack, with his brother of course, might help. He's used to dealing with huge problems so I decide, "if Lucas is ok with it I would like that, but, be warned if he so much as looks uncomfortable he comes first, ok?". "Got it and I would only expect that, remember he's my mate too, he comes in first place with you and my brother, we are a team now. Please try to trust us and if you can only do so much, just trust me with some of your worries for now" he says. He looks so happy, that I'm willing to try, I can't help but smile back at him.

Lucas' PoV

The thrill I am feeling can't be normal for someone like me, I never feel this happy, but, I love it. Dante keeps my hand in his while we walk to the dining hall, all the while he softly asks me questions that I have to answer because Luka is behind me with Damon. He is so interested I find it easy to answer him, he tells me about the pack and funny stories of his childhood, I find it so amusing I nearly let out a loud laugh when he tells me about their mothers obsession with ear pulling, I never laugh out loud anymore.

I turn to check Luka is behind me and notice he is holding hands and chatting seriously to Damon. I just wish he could relax, just for today like I am beginning to, but I know it's harder for him because he has to decide what to do next. As much as I am feeling, safe, happy, protected and dare I say attracted toward these alphas, my brother knows best, he knows what father told him and how to avoid certain bad people, so I'll follow him wherever.

"We're here little one". Little one should sound insulting but I think it's great, after the way he described why he picked the name for me, it makes me feel special. It's like I now have three people in my life I can run to, who will protect me no questions asked. If we can stay with them it would be the best thing ever but if they got hurt over us, we would never forgive ourselves.

Dante brings me to the large buffet, he starts to fill one large plate with a piece of everything, my eyes go wide. I notice other people around so I lay into his side and put my face into his neck and whisper without stuttering "that's too much food for me".

He stopped moving the minute I lay into him, I don't think he was expecting me to do that, I wasn't expecting to do it but it's the way I talk to Luka in public most times, depending on how many people are around. He gulps but answers me, "it's for both of us is that ok?". I feel a bit more confident having seen his reaction to me so I decide to be a little cheeky and reply "of course mate". He groans lowly and says "oh we have a cheeky side hidden under that cute smile, can't wait to bring that out of you mate".

'Well that backfired quickly' I think to myself but don't regret it, which, for me is unusual. Seems I do feel like I can be myself, around Dante so far anyway. Luka and Damon join us, Luka takes my hand and brings me to a table.

When we sit I notice the other twins talking at the buffet, "you seem to be getting along with Dante if what I just saw is any indication, oh don't blush, I'm glad you are, it's good to see you trusting someone other than me. Not that I mind you -" he starts but I put up my hand to stop him from rambling. "I know you don't so stop" I say with my head on his shoulder. "And yes I am, I just feel like I'm ok when I'm talking to him, I even got cheeky with him". "You must be ok then" he laughs.

"Listen, and I want an honest answer, promise?" He says. "I promise to give you an honest answer as always" I say back. "Ok, Damon asked me to talk with him after we eat, but that would mean leaving you alone with his brother, I won't go if your uncomfortable at all" he tells me. I think about it, it's not very often I'm away from him in the last year, it's pathetic, I know but fear makes me crumble in on myself.

I can see the worry on his face and think to myself, 'time to man up a bit Lucas, my poor brother has so much to worry about alone and he's too young to be a parent. He's not my parent he's my brother and he is putting me before himself again, Dante will protect me if anything happens... But what if- shit there it is again that fucking question. This has to stop, now! I have two mates to help me and I know it's only been a few hours but I trust them', so I reply "I'll be ok, how long do you think it will be" still not wanting him gone for too long despite my mental lecture.

"Give me an hour, I'll be back after that, I'll ask Damon to talk in alpha Jace's office so you know where I am if you need me. Please, please, come get me if you do, don't get into a panicked state, just come find me" he instructs. I see our mates coming over with the food so I just nod and promise through the mind link.

Twin mates for twin alphas - book one of the twin series boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now