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Damon's PoV

What the heck is going on, our mates know our father?. "This is your father!?" Luka asks. I nod in response. "Sit down boys I know some of what you have to tell me" our father says. We sit. "Can someone explain to us?" Jace asks.

I go on to tell him all about our mates story, not mentioning alpha Greg's name or the pack, just like Luka had done, when I finish I look at my father waiting for an explanation but Luka beats him too it. "The alpha who I told you saved us by setting us up in our home is your father". I am shocked and proud that my father saved our mates, all too soon it turns to rage. I hop up out of my seat and demand "if you knew your fucking brother-in-law was such a sick bastard why didn't you do something-" he cuts me off equally as outraged.

"I didn't know why they needed help, alpha Jack was a good buddy of mine from alpha camp he... Wait brother-in-law? What the fuck and who the fuck are you talking about I want answers NOW young men!!". Oops I presumed he knew and now I pissed him off. "Sorry father I thought you knew please forgive me, I should have known better, it's alpha Greg aunt Teresa's husband".

"That son of a bitch he's gone too far, nobody hurts my children" he bellows. I know he means Luka and Lucas, they don't as yet though. "What's the plan, you are the alphas now, he can't have my new sons so you better get thinking and fast!" I bet they weren't expecting that reaction. Looking at their shocked expressions they weren't.

"Jace do we have-" he holds up his hand to stop Dante talking "don't ask a stupid question, you think I'll let him do this two them or you, not a hope, I'm in". We just nod back in respect of what he said. I notice Lucas is fidgeting with the end of his jumper, I take that as a sign he is getting uncomfortable with this topic being openly discussed. 

I need to cut this meeting short so I tell them "This has been the longest day of my life, so I know my mates and brother are feeling it too. We're all on the same page but I think we need dinner and rest to cool off. Can we just relax until Monday, not a word outside this room of this except to your mates. We will stay at this pack, all of us," I aim that part at Luka and Lucas who just smile and nod. "And we will meet here at nine Monday morning, please have some plans started in your heads and thanks for the support" I finish.

I can see everyone agrees because our mates look like they could fall down from the emotional baggage that has come about today. Everyone leaves except us, I walk over to little one and ask if he's ok, he tells me he is. I see him shyly looking at my lips so I give him what he wants and kiss him. I love that he has blossomed so much from this morning, just imagine what a week, month or a year will accomplish. When we pull away I notice Dante and Luka do the same. Then I get playful and shout out "watch your ears boys we're off to meet our mother!!".

Dantes PoV

"What does that mean?" Luka asks and I remember I only told Lucas about my mothers obsession with ear pulling. I explain and he looks scared, while rubbing at his ear. "Don't be scared she'll love you two so your ears are safe for now" Damon laughs. "Not helping" I tease.

We go to the dining hall where the pack are eating. When we pass the Warriors Lukas hold on my hand tightens. I tell him not to be worried but he just says he's not, he explains its instinct after running from them for a year. I understand. At the main table my father tells us to meet my mother in the living room, confused we do as asked.

When we get there she's waiting looking a bit peeved 'what did we do now' I think to myself. "You meet your mates and don't tell me. Not only that, your father gets an introduction before me, how dare you? I carried you in my stomach for months and this is my thanks, I should clip the ears off both of you-". Damon cuts her short "ma for the love of the goddess stop and say hello, your scaring our mates". More amused than scared Luka and Lucas wave at her.

Wrong move! She squeals and rushes toward them grabbing Luka first, "oh look at you such handsome boys, everyone will be so jealous because I have four beautiful boys as sons" "Jeeze ma lay off will you" Damon starts but she makes a dash for him, he ducks behind little one.

Right move! She gets a glimpse of his blush and stops, "am I scaring you sweetheart. I'm sorry, you see I have to be in fighting form especially with this one, he's cheeky" she points to Damon who's still using poor Lucas as cover. "Big baby" I snort. One look from our mother stops that behaviour.

"I am happy to meet you both, now my husband has told me your story. If we had just known why alpha Jack needed our help this nonsense would have been avoided. I feel he thought he was doing right but at times you need to ask for help, more than just a small favour" "ma'am that favour gave us six more happy years with our parents and got us where we are today, so I would call it a huge favour from our side. We thank the goddess for you and your husbands help everyday. Now I want to thank you" Luka says. "Me too" Lucas squeaks, not being used to her loudness as yet.

"My poor boys" she exclaims and pulls them in for a hug. I am ready to pull Lucas away but he shakes his head telling me he's ok with it. "Now I want no more upsetting talk today, call me ma, mom or if they make you uncomfortable Grace, ok your my sons now too". I am watching their reaction to this not waiting them to think she is taking over from their mother in any way. They just smile and agree.

We finally get to eat. It doesn't take long because we didn't eat much lunch over the fighting wolves incident. After that we decided to go to bed it's only nine but after everything that happened  today between trying to find rouges this morning and going to bed tonight I think we deserve an early night.

"Where do we sleep" I hear Lucas whisper to Luka. "You can choose little one, in with us like our nap today or another room" I say, I see Damon glaring at me. I know he wants them in our room like I do but we can't make them. Lucas looks at his twin who gives him a blank stare, I know they are talking through their link. Lukas smiles and says "in with you two it is" "woop, woop, good choice my beautiful mates" Damon hollers. I can't say I blame him I feel like doing the same.

Our twins lie in the middle and we lie in either side of them like before. Just as I start to drift off I hear the small sweet voice of Lucas whisper, "I'm so glad we're here together", nobody in the room could agree more.

Twin mates for twin alphas - book one of the twin series boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now