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Pic of Lucas and Luka.

Lukas PoV

I could see Lucas' leg bouncing throughout the film he was not concentrating at all, then again neither was I. I couldn't wait for this night to be over and done with, the waiting and worrying is getting on my nerves. I know so many things can go wrong but I'm hoping the runs I have been practicing for the last few weeks with Lucas go as smoothly as they have been all along.

"...was cool don't you think?" I hear Josh say and he's looking at me expecting an answer, oops I only heard the end of his sentence. "Sorry dude I spaced there what were you asking?" I said. "You ok, I don't think you've watched much of the movie, anything I can help with?" Josh asks. 'If only' I thought, how I would love to have someone to share the burden with. That's what a mate will be for but unfortunately it's not in either of our futures.

I don't blame my brother that I'm under this stress with no help he can't help being afraid, and I would do anything to help him in any way possible. It's just hard being the size I am and thinking about the sheer size of the warrior wolves I've seen in the woods while my scent was hidden. They're huge and I'm not, both myself and Lucas stand at 5ft 9in with what could be described as a swimmers physique but I am the stronger one of us. The warriors on the other hand are all around or above 6ft, they all have large muscular bodies. Then there's the alpha, I haven't seen him yet but most if not all alphas are at least 6ft 4/5in and they are also muscular not as meathead muscular as the warrior wolves but they hold more more strength than them. If we run into the warriors I have a small hope of out running them with Lucas on my back in human form but if the alpha is there we're fucked.

"Nothing wrong but thanks for asking and offering help, you're a good friend Josh" I reply finally. "Enough with the mushy stuff you two, the film is over come on" sniggered Laney. "Just because you don't have a heart doesn't mean we can't be as you say "mushy" if we want" replies Josh. Her face falls at this, it's so obvious to everyone that they belong together but they never act on it and now she's hurt from what was clearly a joke. "You know he was kidding so smile" I say. She looks to Josh who looks panic stricken at the thought of hurting her and smiles, "I know that Joshy loves me too much to mean that" she says. Josh looks relieved while Tim mutters "get a room already" and Lucas blushes from hearing him. I laugh and wish that this relaxed atmosphere could last forever.

Lucas' PoV

I looked at the screen throughout the movie but saw nothing, and hearing Tim making that comment about them getting a room had me blushing so hard I wanted to hide but I sucked it up. They were all laughing but I could tell Luka was anxious about what's going to happen in a couple of hours.

"Do you want to go home or go for ice cream with the others, it's ok if you want to go home I don't mind either way" Luka asked me in that soft voice he only uses for me. Making sure the others couldn't hear I said "Luka I don't care I can't concentrate anyway, let's do what you want, worry about what you want for a change please". "I love you and I will always put you first no questions asked, so, in or out on a vanilla and strawberry swirl?" he replied while hugging me. I decided to go because he needed it, he needed to feel like things were normal even if they weren't. "Let's go bro" I smiled at him and could see the relief in his eyes.

We went to the nearest place and ordered. When we sat down Laney opens her mouth again "let's have a sleepover". "No!!" I say loudly. The whole table stops to look at me, 'shit I panicked' I think so I hide my face in Lukas shoulder knowing that I'm such a coward he will speak up for me. "Sorry guys maybe another time we have to leave now".

They understand immediately when I get like this I need to be at home with Luka to calm me down. I feel the tears starting but try to hold them back, fuck! a little over a year ago I would have been the one delighted to have the sleepover. We had no friends from the age of ten because we were living in our home that was far away from the pack we grew up in, thus leaving any friends behind.

It was just the four of us not that we minded but a small part of me longed for parties, sleepovers etc. I knew Luka felt the same but we understood and we were happy to have our parents there, it was enough for us. But now look at me I could finally get those things and I was too scared to give in. I mean what if, that's it,the big stupid fucking question in my mind since that day, what if?.

What if we're found? What if something happens to Luka? What if his/our friends get caught up in this? What if, what if!! The list is endless and I'm sick of it. I just wish we could move on from this, maybe meet our mates and be happy but like we always say it's not in our future.

"It's ok bro don't cry, calm down they understand and if they don't then I don't care. We're nearly home, how about hot chocolate and a nap?. The pull of the moon won't start for another hour and a half ok" Luka says. "Ok, sorry and thank you" I mutter. "Don't be sorry you just panicked it's alright" he replies. Where would I be without him, he knows me inside out.

Twin mates for twin alphas - book one of the twin series boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now