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Pic of Dante.

Damon's PoV

I am ecstatic, I know they think they won't stay but they will I can feel it in the bond how much they want to and how much they want to feel safe. All Dante and I need to do is find out what or who the fuck is frightening them and why they're alone at seventeen. I will kill anyone who looks at them wrong let alone if they try to hurt them.

When they walked into the office and I got my first real look at them my heart nearly broke out of my chest, they are so beautiful. Luka has fire in his eyes and a more fierce look than sweet shy looking Lucas. They look like they would fit nicely in our arms and at around 5ft 9in I can't wait to feel them lying their faces into my neck.

We walk out the door and head to the forest, without realising it we start toward the waterfall. When we reach it the brothers automatically walk to the ledge to hide behind the water. "Why don't we sit out here on the grass, nobody will bother us and you don't need to hide anymore, remember?" I ask. As usual Luka looks to his smaller twin as if asking what he wants to do. This seems to be the pattern and I'm hoping they will let us into their close knit relationship. He nods so we sit on the grass.

"Is there anything your willing to tell us, where your from or something as small as your last name" Dante asks. Luka talks first, "we are Luka and Lucas Bane, we live in the human territory between your pack and this pack, you already know we live alone so there's not much point in telling you our usual lie about our parents having long working hours. We live closer to your side of town".

"Why not change there then" I ask him. "Do you want the honest answer or a flattering version" he replies. I admired his ability to be straight, most grown men that don't know us wouldn't talk to us like that. That means he feels comfortable with us, it gives me hope for our future and I know Dante will feel the same way.

"Always honesty please and we promise to be always honest with the two of you" Dante replies for me. "Well my father told me that alpha Jace was a small bit more tolerant of newcomers, he said that you were more feared then him, so I couldn't chance anything happening to Lucas" he tells us with a shrug of his shoulders as if it's that simple.

"Where are your parents?" I ask. I see him stiffen straight away and I think I've gone too far, then the smallest sweetest little voice says "dead", we all look at Lucas with proud smiles that he was brave enough to talk.

"Thank you for answering, I know it's hard to trust us yet but we would never hurt you, all we want is to have you by our sides. I think we were given twin mates because as a foursome we will be strong, great rulers. It's unusual but I know we don't care and will have no problem dividing our time between spending time alone with you both and spending time together all four of us. How does that sound?" I say.

"You talk as if we're staying around, I told you we can't it's dangerous-" shouts Luka. I cut him off "sorry, calm down, I forgot, it's just hard not to plan our future". "Also do you not realise who you're with, you say your father told you of us, yes?" Dante asks. Luka nods.

Dante continues, "Then why do you not trust that we can and will protect you?. Whoever is after you is no match for us, we have the largest pack in the world, we're best friends and have strong alliances with the the third largest pack where your currently standing. We are on good terms with the second and fourth largest packs who is going to be stupid enough to take on our mates for any reason?".

Dantes PoV

I know I am pushing a bit early but if I am only getting today to try and convince them I'm going to have to be a little pushy. "I need to talk this over with Lucas, can we drop it for now please and get to know you a small bit?" Luka asks. I don't want to but the confusion in their eyes tells me we won't get any further until they have discussed what they want to do.

"Ok, how much do you know about us, other than we are feared?" Damon asks. "Not much more than I've explained and what you've told us" Luka replies. "Well, while we are indeed feared if you know us for who we are, we are fun loving people who are protective at the same time. Please don't fear us we won't ever try to be your alphas, you are our equals. In our pack we are like a great big family, that doesn't mean there are no rules.

We expect everyone to work together as a group to get the work done. On the other hand we have a tight bond with our pack members and have lots of fun times with each other, parties, BBQs, etc." Damon continues. "While you are talking take this information into consideration and ask yourselves, would you like to be a part of something like that" I say. They agree to think it over that's all we can ask for.

We just sit in the sun chatting for a while about silly things never getting too serious it's not needed as yet. One thing becomes clear as Luka talks, poor Lucas is to shy as yet but he's listening intently, he talks all about Lucas and puts himself after him every time.

"Not a thought for himself, we'll have to change that" I hear Damon through the link. "True bro, I also think I should work on warming up little one, no offence but when we are around others I'm a little more relaxed at first, what do you think?" I asks knowing he wouldn't find that insulting. "Sounds like a plan, I think Luka needs a stronger hand anyway someone to bear the burden so to speak". I look to him and nod ever so slightly.

After about an hour I realise that our mates have not eaten, I jump up causing a cute squeak to come from Lucas."Sorry little one, don't be scared, I just realised you haven't eaten you must be very hungry, come let me feed you m'lord" I say the last piece in a fake accent while holding out my hand to him. I hear Damon and Luka laughing. He goes so red in the cheeks I fear they'll never turn back to normal but he looks at Luka as if asking permission, Luka simply smiles back giving him the option to make his own mind up.

Slowly he takes my hand and I feel sparks come from his delicate fingers, he feels it too if the returning redness to his cheeks tell me anything. I pull him to his feet and whisper in his ear "thank you for trusting me little one".

"W..w.why a..are you calling me that" he stutters shyly. "Because it's your nickname from now on, because you're our special little mate and we will guard you forever, ok?". He just hangs his head, smiles and nods.

This is progress I'm still holding his hand and don't let go all the way to the dining hall. I glance behind me and notice Damon has taken Lukas hand also. If any other alphas were to see us now they would think we've gone soft but I wouldn't care in the slightest, mostly because I've never been so happy but partly because I would still kick their butts if they looked at us wrongly".

Twin mates for twin alphas - book one of the twin series boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now