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Dante's PoV
Trigger warning
Adult content

I am freaking out I need my brother and mates, I've never felt like this before. If anyone even knocks at the door I am growling and my wolf is telling me 'to protect mate', my pack, especially my parents won't cause him any harm but neither of us care. I'm holding him in a death grip and refuse to let go. Not one hair on his head must be moved.

After half an hour I hear more footsteps, not bothering to smell the air I start growling, whoever is coming near has a death wish I'm willing to grant. My wolf comes to the surface, something that rarely happens, "Get. Away. From. Mate. Or. You. Die!". 'Shh mate, it's me Luka I'm home' we hear through the link. I gently roll Lucas over trying not to wake him in my haste to get to my Luka.

I run to the door and pull it open, he doesn't waste a second before jumping into my arms. He's sobbing, hard. "You're safe, I can't believe we let you get hurt, I'm so sorry, I love you so much. I'm never leaving you again". Damon runs to the bed softly taking little one into his arms. I walk over with Luka clinging to me and sit next to him.

I put my head on Damons shoulder and try to comfort Luka. He is rubbing himself on both of us as if trying to re-scent. We don't care, in fact it makes us and our wolves happy. Finally he calms down and notices Lucas. "How long has he been like that?" He asks. "He had a bad panic attack after you were taken" I notice him flinch at that so I apologise for my use of words, he forgives me.

"Lucas, Lucas, come on buddy, wake up I'm back safe. Damon rescued me and him and Dante are comforting me. Come on I need you too bro" he says in his ear. It's instant, Lucas wakes and jumps on him crying his heart out, "ooh.. L.. L. Luka, thank the goddess your safe, w..w.. What happened? Did they hurt you". Luka looks uncomfortable so Damon asks him if he wants to leave it or tell us. "I won't ever keep anything from you, I'll tell you but remember I am safe now. Ok?" We promise to keep our wolves, all three of them, calm.

"I told John he didn't need to come with me but he insisted firmly. Wanting privacy I went into the bathroom alone I was washing my hands then I looked up to see a hooded figure behind me. They put a cloth over my mouth, when I took a breath to scream I inhaled the stuff on the rag and blacked out".

It's hard to hear and I can feel all of our anger but we're doing what he asked so he can get it off his chest. He continues "when I woke I was naked and tied to a chair. I had no strength because they had put wolfsbane on the rag along with chloroform, I know this because Greg was boasting about it.

He also was proud of his "little performance" in the woods. Nat had told them you were coming so he planned it all out. Nat and alpha Peter are mates so she joined their plan to please him. They knew you wouldn't be back in time to realise what was going on so when she saw me playing football she took the chance to hide. Apparently she's been watching us and our patterns, I pee every time I play, did any of you know that because I certainly didn't. That fucking bitch did though. It was a gamble that payed off. He had elixir and covered his scent then hid outside the window and they fed me through it".

He takes a deep breath and continues "anyway after they were done blabbing their tale Greg came over and tried to kiss me" he shoots us warning looks when all three of us growl and says "I will stop and leave, I know it's hard to hear but I need your comfort not anger. I warn you as Damon knows it gets worse so please-" "we're sorry, please tell us. I hate it but we need to hear it and you need to get it off your chest" I say.

"I head butted him and split my eye, as you can see it's still healing. Easy to say he wasn't impressed so he punched my stomach" he begins to sob again and I'm just about to stop him but he starts talking again. "He knocked over my chair and left me there while he stripped, h..he .. F..f.forced himself.. Into my.. mouth" this needs to stop.

"Please I can't take seeing you so upset" I say and didn't realise I was crying too until now. "It's nearly over, I swear, I'm sorry" he says hugging me tightly. I just nod. "He made me gag on it and held my jaw open so I could bite down, at this stage the other two sick freaks started having sex. He kept going until he finished, I was weak so I couldn't stop him dragging me off the chair and cuffing me to the side of the bed. He made me kneel and I.. Though, I.. Really thought he was going to do it but Damon burst through the door and stopped him". 

We all just hug each other and cry for the next ten minutes, we decide to take a bath to help Luka feel clean. We just relax in the bath occasionally Luka or Lucas would cry one from the trauma and the other for his brothers trauma. All cried out we got Rory to bring food and we stayed locked in our room until morning, we just needed each other nobody else.

Twin mates for twin alphas - book one of the twin series boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now