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Pic of Luka.
Lukas PoV

The sooner the boys are back the better, I miss them so much. In all honesty I've enjoyed getting to know the pack, I've become close to ma, I've been ordered to call her that. She is very funny and has been helping Lucas and myself learn all the Luna duties. Trust me there's a lot to be looked after but we seem to be made for the roll.

I've also become good friends with John, Rhys, Paul and Nick, the four warriors protecting us. John is like a protective older brother, he's kind of serious but knows how to relax and join in the fun. Rhys is very serious and takes his job to the max, at times we just sit and chat, he's got a good head on his shoulders and I can confide in him. He has been my go to guy when I feel lost or alone.

Paul and Nick are twins and they are the goofy ones always messing around, Lucas loves them. I love that he does. He's really coming back to the brother I lost that night. He is still a little shy with pack members and they are very respectful of him, if he doesn't answer or hides in my neck they just redirect the question to me. Ma has been a great asset in his recovery, she pushes him just a tiny bit each day to do something out of his comfort zone but is also respectful of his boundaries.

All in all pack life suits us and we are lucky we are lunas to such a great pack. One downside is one she-wolf named Nat, I think she's jealous because every time I see her or catch her looking at me or Lucas she is glaring. I don't know whether to tell someone or not but I'm leaving it off for now. I mean she hasn't done anything and acts fine in front of everyone so I could just be a bit paranoid. I've had to watch our backs for so long I think that's the problem.

"Do you want to play a game of football?" Nick asks me. It's our time off from duties so I reply "sure, why not". We set the teams and start playing. By the time we are half way through the competitive streak is coming out in some wolves and they are getting a bit carried away. I grab the whistle and blow it "hey! Calm the fuck down, it's a game ok. Now let's play!" I warn them. They look at me sheepishly and shout "yes Luna". It's weird but I just accept it.

Fifteen minutes later I realise I need the toilet so I tell John, he pauses the game. "I'm fine John, keep playing, I'll only be two minutes in there. You can see the door from here" I tell him. "No Luka I'm coming like it or not, I'll stand outside like you've asked but its final I'm coming" "ok fine, I just didn't want to ruin the game" I say.

We tell the others we'll be quick and leave. We go to the outdoor facility and I enter alone, I use the urinal and wash my hands after. I look up into the mirror just in time to see a hooded figure behind me, I feel a cloth being placed over my mouth. I try to scream but because of the breath I took in to scream I get a mouthful of the tranquilliser on the cloth. 'Someone help' is the last thing I remember thinking.

Lucas', Damon and Dantes PoV

'Someone help' ..... "Somethings wrong!"

Lucas' PoV

The moment the words leave my lips I run from the pack kitchen, I need to find my brother right now. I know they were going to play football so I run for the field as fast as I can, I realise ma and Rhys are behind me asking what's wrong but I can't answer until I am in Lukas arms. When I reach the field I run straight to Paul "where's Luka, tell me now!"

He jumps up and tells me he went to the bathroom but not to worry John is with him. I don't give a fuck I run with them all following me. I reach John and push him aside bursting through the door "Luka, luka, where are you. Please be here I need you Right. Now" I scream. I kick open every stall door only to realise "he's gone". "He can't be I was right here, I swear I was listening and there was no noise. No, no I promise I was here" I go to John and hug him sobbing "I know you were, it's not your fault but we need to find him fast".

"Everyone look at the window the latch is missing and he could fit through there. That's how they got him out. Get searching for his scent it's only been five minutes so they can't have gotten far" Rhys takes control.the pack warriors begin immediately.

Just then the door bursts open and a furious looking Damon and Dante storm into the room. "Where the fuck is my mate!" Damon screams. All the wolves around us fall to their knees in submission, I go to him and sob into his chest. "Someone took him, I can't find him, I can't lose him" he calms down enough to comfort me but Dante doesn't.

"Who was protecting him" he asks in a deadly calm voice. I don't like it and just as John says "me" I jump in front of him in time to dive into Dantes arms before he could hurt him. "Don't Dante he really was here they got him through the that small window, John couldn't have known" he takes a deep breath and tells the wolves to stand.

Damon comes behind me and I am lost in their arms, I cling to Dante tears pouring that won't stop. We just got good again, things were going great and this happens. Why us, my poor brother if they hurt him I'll kill them. I might not be the biggest but my anger will allow me to inflict damage.

"Come on breathe little one, we've got you. Please, please try to breathe" I hear someone say but I'm consumed in my fear and anger. I break out of their arms and scream, I kick out at anything and anyone, I can't help it. I. Need. Luka. Now. I break the mirror with my fist, I can't breathe. I'm going to die.

"Shit Damon its bad, only Luka can stop this, what do we do?" At the mention of Lukas name I stop. I literally stop. They all look at me stunned, I look at Damon then Dante and whisper "find him". The last thing I hear is Dante shouting "catch him" as I fall to the ground.

Twin mates for twin alphas - book one of the twin series boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now