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Pic of Damon and Dante.

Damon's PoV

"Is everyone clear?" Jace asks. "Yes alpha" the warrior wolves reply in determined voices. "Right lets move out" he shouts. We are going to see if we can confront the rouges. We figured that since tonight is the full moon they would be undergoing the change. You see the moon goddess planned each birth so that when every werewolf turned seventeen they would undergo the first full change and in doing so she made it that their birthday would be on a full moon.

By the activities of these wolves it would seem like tonight is the night one or both of the siblings change. We had to be very careful and act with stealth in order to catch up with them. They had a good plan in place, confusing the pack warriors by changing direction constantly, therefore spreading the one scent all over the human border. We think that one wolf then meets the other one, they then run together for half a mile disguise their scent somehow, probably elixir, and then go somewhere they have picked as a safe place. It's clever but they are not just dealing with pack warriors now, no, now they have three alphas to deal with.

We reach the border change into wolf form and separate, I am in the middle of the forest, Dante is at the west end and Jace is at the east end. Each of us have five warriors with us, this will allow us to track the first scent and determine where they are headed next, we basically have them surrounded. We opened our mind links so we can communicate and follow up on the progress.

It's 11.35 and there is no sign but we'll wait, it's in these wolves interest to talk to us it's dangerous out here with nobody to protect them. If they have a valid reason for being out here then we will try get them to come with us to Jaces pack house, if they cause trouble then we will have to insist.

Dantes PoV

"I have the first scent, stay put" I hear Jace through the mind link. So I wait, they will move around in that area by the look of it. The pack lands are not small so I know there's not much point in 'staying put' as he put it, the pattern of behaviour they have carried out tells me that they will run a couple of miles toward Damon and not come this far west. "My team is heading toward Damon's team, they won't come here" I say. "Good idea" "ok" I hear through the link.

We take off running and reach Damon quickly. By now Jace has the second scent too so both my team and Damon's head that way spreading out in a circle throughout the human land and the pack land trying to cut them off. "Shit! They cut their scent again, we can't loose them, keep looking and search any secluded areas very well, now!!" Alpha Jace orders the wolves. I am running with Damon for another ten minutes, I see it in his eyes he's thinking the same as I am 'they're gone' but we don't voice our thoughts.

All of a sudden we come to a small waterfall about half a mile outside the pack lands, it's beautiful but not what we are here for, then I hear it, just a small, tiny really, whimper from behind the waterfall, it's hard to be sure that I really heard it over the sound of the running water. "Did you hear that" I look to Damon. "No what was it?" He asks. Then we hear what sounds like bones cracking "I heard that" he says. We take off behind the waterfall only to find nothing, confused we begin to search around, with no scents to follow it's hard.

Eventually I start to think we were imagining things until Damon walks the whole way back to the dead end, "Dante quick!" I hear Damon, when I reach him I see that it's not a dead end it just looks that way, there is a small cove to the left. There in the cove are two wolves passed out, one a bit smaller than the other, "the change knocked them out because they were not prepared and they were alone, they must be twins" Damon points out.

I mind link Jace and fill him in on the situation, we decide to take them out into the field at the edge of the pond, "go through the water, it will wake them and then we can talk to them" I tell Damon. He agrees, we turn into our human forms not caring that we are naked we know the warriors are bringing clothes, I take up the smaller wolf and Damon takes the other, we walk through the water and set them down.

Immediately I smell it I look at Damon, he looks at me, we look to the wolves and say together "mine, mate, ours!".

Twin mates for twin alphas - book one of the twin series boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now