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Pic of Luka.

Lukas PoV

I wake up and bolt out of the bed I'm in not, realising Lucas was in my arms until I hear him yelp from being thrown out of them. I rush back to him apologising immediately. "We need to go, I can't believe they captured us, how did I let this happen, Lucas!! Get up we need to get out-" I am freaking out when Lucas cuts me off. "Calm down please" I hear him say softly. I look at him as if he's lost his mind "calm down?! you do realise we are caught and not only by one alpha, oh no we had to get caught in style and have three alphas on our tails, on top of that, two are the most feared wolf leaders there are around and they just so happen to be our MATES" I am completely in panic mode now.

"They didn't capture us, you passed out from exhaustion and the twin called Damon caught you so you wouldn't hurt yourself, I was so worried about you" he sobs. I hug him tight "I'm sorry for scaring you, I don't remember it happening". "I know you couldn't help it don't say sorry, the other twin called Dante helped me, he comforted me in a way only you know how to do, I couldn't even resist being in his arms, I didn't want to feel so safe but I did Luka, what will we do?, I feel different, safe and happier than I have for a long time".

I don't know how to answer him, if truth be told I feel different too. I know it's the mate bond making us feel safe for once but we can't be here. I sigh, "I feel it too Lucas but what can we do, I would love nothing more than to leave here, go see who our mates are, fall for them and be happy but we can't. While it's unfair it's our lives and you know this the same as I do". He looks so heartbroken it hurts but he simply replies "I know and it's not our fault, so don't start thinking it's your fault, I know you".

Just as I start to speak there is a knock on the door, I look at Lucas asking through the the mind link if he's ok and is he ready for me to open the door knowing what we have to do. He nods his head so I open it expecting one if not both of our mates, instead it's a she wolf, she tells us that the three alphas would like to meet with us in alpha Jace's office if we're up to it.

We follow her there, she knocks and we're told to enter. Our mates must have been in this house for a few days because their scents are all over it but as we enter the office it becomes intoxicatingly stronger, I have to fight my wolf in order to keep myself in place, if I loose to him we would be going straight to our mates to scent them.

Scenting is basically hugging in human form, it allows our scents to attach to our mate, in wolf form we rub the sides of our bodies along our mates side having the same effect. The drive to do this is instinctual and it's hard to keep control. I feel Lucas squirming behind me having the same problem.

I get my first real look at them, 'wow!, they are stunning', I think to myself. They are nearly identical the only tells are, one has his hair flicked up and has a less rounded face. The other has his hair hanging slightly over his forehead and has a little more of a rounded face. They're around 6ft 5in easily and have the powerful vibe that only alphas can create.

Because there are three alphas in the room Lucas and I bow our heads in submission, it's customary to bow to all alphas. "Don't lower your heads, you are our mates, future lunas to our pack you don't bow to anyone" the twin the the flicked up hair says. "I am Damon Heart and this is Dante, we are so happy to finally have found you" he says while coming toward me. I put my hand up in front of me indicating him to stop, "we can't have mates, I told you this at the waterfall, please try to understand this"

Lucas' PoV

The hurtful expressions on their faces has me wanting to go to comfort them but I can't. "What's wrong, we can help, I know you feel the pull I can see it from both of your body language so why deny what was meant to be, you're  only hurting us and yourselves by doing this" Dante chimes in.

Damon sends me a fleeting look as if to say 'can't you help us convince him' but he doesn't understand, neither of them do. I just look to the ground again unable to take the despair I can see on their faces.

"You need to realise that we can't let you leave and live alone anymore, it's dangerous and now you've found your mates you will need to be with them" alpha Jace says. "Are you going to keep us locked up?, taken as prisoners?, because that is the only way we are staying, we have to leave. We can't have mates or be around other wolves, it's more dangerous keeping us here than letting us go" I can hear the frustration in Lukas voice. The twins growl probably at the thought of us being locked up.

We don't want to do this but if we are found and our mates are hurt we will die, we have lost enough, we won't survive the loss of our mates and we know it.

"Can you at least stay for the rest of the weekend, it's Saturday now, will you take today and tomorrow to get to know us a little and to ease our wolves who are clawing to at least scent you both. We won't do it, not until you want us to" Damon says. The last part was directed at me, probably from seeing the fearful look I showed at being scented by these huge men, I know it's not much as far as the mating rituals go and technically I have already scented with Dante, as did Luka with Damon when they carried us but that wasn't done for pleasure.

"I need to speak to Lucas alone" my twin tells them. They agree and leave. When we are alone Luka hugs me to his chest "what do we do bro?" He asks me. "I want to stay, I know we are only prolonging the pain of having to leave them but I would like two days with them before the hurt and sadness comes" I tell him.

He sighs "do you really feel that safe around them?, you can barely talk to people when we are at home, do you think you can manage with theses two?, I only care about keeping you happy so don't put yourself under strain thinking it's what I want".

"I'm not, I really feel safe and confident around them, our mate pull is strong, I don't know if it's because there are four of us together or knowing they are such feared and fierce leaders but I feel like they will make everything ok". I reply.

"We can't put them in danger Lucas, but I do agree with you the pull is very strong, we will stay for tonight anyway and talk in the morning about wether or not we stay for the day or go home, ok?". "Ok, thanks" I smile shyly at him.

He opens the door and calls them back in "we'll stay for today on the condition that word of us doesn't get out of this pack". "Done" alpha Jace says having mind linked his pack straight away. "I contacted the members we brought with us and have done the same". Dante informs us.

Then he beams at us happily and says "let's go for a walk and get to know each other, just the four of us, is that ok?". Luka looks at me and I nod, still not talking because alpha Jace makes me uneasy it's just from not knowing him not really from fearing him.

Twin mates for twin alphas - book one of the twin series boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now