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Lukas PoV

It's harder than I thought it would be telling this story, I still take the blame for exposing us to that fucker but I can't stop talking now so I continue. "The next day there was a pack meeting warning of a potential war, alpha jack didn't give us the reason but I knew, I knew it was us.

That night I confronted my parents while, as I thought, Lucas slept. I told them I knew what that man wanted and asked them to do something, I asked them to leave, just the four of us so the pack wouldn't be in trouble. My father refused and said that the pack was strong and would fight for their own but I pleaded with him, still he refused.

When I got back to bed Lucas was there sobbing and it was obvious he had found out in the same way I had. We held each other tight trying not to worry and fell asleep. The next time I woke was to my mother telling me to get up and get dressed in a hurry we were leaving.

Confused I just looked at her she shouted at me to move, she never shouted, so I moved fast. She had Lucas out of bed getting ready also, when we got down to the kitchen my father was on the phone telling alpha Jack that he should stay but we could hear him refusing, telling my father that the other pack was on its way and we had to get to safety.

It looked like I was getting my wish but sadly the pack was still in danger, my father being the top warrior was conflicted. Should he stay and help or take us and run, my mother soon put a stop to that telling him we were going with or without him. 'My confusing worries were over, mates and pups come first', he would always tell me after". I snuggled deeper into Dante liking the comfort he was offering me, I found, I needed it.

"Are you ok babe? You can stop for now if you like" Damon said looking worried, I shook my head and decided I needed to get this out. "I'm fine just having you three close is enough to help me, don't worry" they looked happy at that.

"Anyway we did it, we ran, not knowing that once we reached the north border the pack was being invaded form the west border. Eventually after many days of running we met up with the alpha of a pack as alpha Jack had arranged for us to do, he gave us supplies, money and an address where we could go that was far off the pack lands and was safe. I never knew who he was but I'll never forget him he saved our lives.

We got to the place but father went into a slight depression because the alpha had delivered the devastating news that our alpha and pack had been wiped out. That sick son of a bitch went on a rampage when he couldn't find us. Later we found out he had hired rouges to fight for him that's how he could overcome the pack, there simply were too many of them.

Eventually father and mother recovered and we settled into our new home and life but father knew that because we weren't found we, weren't safe. So my training began-" "didn't he train Lucas also" Damon asked. "No he was, as I've said, always the softer twin, preferring to cook with mother and read rather than run about or roughhouse" I answered, then continued.

"Father prepared me, he taught me to run, something I'm extremely skilled at by the way. He told me I was blessed by the moon goddess with speed because I would need it. He prepared a house and documentation for everything he thought we would need. Taught me to fight and survive, but most importantly, how to look after Lucas should I ever need to.

He told me "son that alpha won't stop I just know it, I saw the determination in his sick, cold eyes. So if anything happens, you need to go to the bedroom, take the bag prepared, take your brother and run, don't stop, don't question where your mother and I are just go. If possible we will follow, if we don't you know what that means, only death will stop us, just remember we love you". Then it happened, just after we turned sixteen, in the middle of the night all we heard was screams, the screams of our parents, so I did as instructed and ran and well you know the rest". I stop and start sobbing into Dantes chest.

"We have you babe, you're not alone with the pressure anymore, nobody will get you, I promise" Dante says rubbing my back. "Just one question babe, I'm sorry to make you talk anymore but who is this man we need to find and kill" Damon asks. I look up at him and say "alpha Greg of the black-moon pack"

"WHAT!!" They both shout waking Lucas.

Twin mates for twin alphas - book one of the twin series boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now