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Pic of Tim

Lukas PoV

Leaving was not nice, we were all upset but Lucas and I needed to get through senior year, it's what our parents wanted. I didn't think following their wishes would hurt so much though.

"Are you ok, you've been spacing all week?" I hear Tim ask. It's Thursday now and we will see the boys tonight, we decided Tuesday's and Thursday's were the best days to see each other. "I'm fine just got stuff on my mind is all. What's the project about? I didn't hear". He chuckles and tells me about it.

I look to my left and see Lucas, he's better today because of tonight but he hasn't been handling the separation well. He feels so happy when we're all together but when they leave he goes back to being quiet and I hate it. It's like he is his old self, the boy who was confident and sassy, then it's like the depressed Lucas comes back. I really don't see us lasting the month away from them, not if its going to do this to him. To be honest I hate it too and miss them, if we had a normal bond it might not hurt so much but we seem to need each other to be happy.

It's not just us, the twins are just as bad, if we are not calling them on the phone, Skype or FaceTime, they are calling us. The bell rings and we pack up our stuff, we go to our lockers and grab our homework. "Hey there's a party tomorrow night you wanna come?" Josh asks us as we are leaving the school. "No thanks, we have plans for the weekend" I tell him.

Just then I am scooped up into strong arms, I go to fight off the person but catch their scent it's Damon. I am so happy to have him here I disregard the fact my friends don't know about them or that Lucas and I are gay and just kiss him right there on the steps of the school. When we pull away I remember where we are and look at Josh, Lacey and Tim.

Josh bursts out laughing "some plans you have, he's a keeper. And there's two of them!" He just realised Lucas is in Dantes arms, they are more shocked by that then the fact I just sucked face with a guy. "This is Damon and that is Dante our boyfriends" I introduce, remembering they are human so I don't mention mates.

"Hi I'm Lacey and your some chunk of man" she tells Damon. I growl, Lucas grunts and Josh huffs in jealousy. "Woah, chill out I was only stating the truth but would never go there so relax. Tim walk with me since your the only normal one here" she laughs at us. I feel for poor Josh but she can't talk to my mate that way and not get a reaction.

"Truth or not please don't talk to him like that" Lucas shocks them by speaking up. "Dude you said a whole sentence to us, cool!" Josh says. I look to Lucas worried he will have a panic attack like usual but he stays calm and snuggles into Dantes chest.

"Ok so this is new, why didn't you tells us about your boyfriends before?" Tim asks having refused to walk away. "We've only been together since last week, so chill. Do you want to come over for dinner and get to know them a bit bet-" I'm cut off by Lacey's woop woop sound "of course we do we love your cooking you know that" she squeals, so it's decided and we all head to our cars to go to our house for food.

Lucas' PoV

We all get to the house and head inside, Josh jumps over the back of the couch as always and Luka scolds him for it as always. Feeling the need to spend a few minutes with my mates I nod to them to follow me. I go to the bedroom and as soon as they follow me I'm wrapped up in their arms. I inhale deeply having missed their scent "I hate it guys, I know what we said and I still want to do it but I hate missing you both so much" I say. "We do too little one but its only three more weeks. Don't cry please" Dante says wiping a tear from my cheek.

"What's wrong! I an feel all of your depression from the kitchen, why are you crying bro?" Luka exclaims bursting through the door.  Damon takes him into his arms "we're ok, he's just upset from missing us. He's ok now" Luka grabs me and hugs me tight, the twins come behind us and hug our hug.

"We miss you too little one and we'll be together soon. Now let's cheer up, your friends will think we are having naughty time in here. Not that I'd mind- ouch, ok I'll stop sorry little one" Damon says while getting slapped round the back of the head off Dante for embarrassing me. I'm not that embarrassed though but we do have company. I lean up and kiss Dante then do the same to Damon. Then they repeat it with Luka "that was needed, well done brother" Luka tells me pecking my cheek.

Luka goes straight back to the kitchen with Dante on his heels. Tim and Josh are wrestling on the floor but stop when they see me, they apologise but I tell them it's ok. Again they are shocked at my behaviour, normally I hide from any violence even the playful kind but Damon is here to protect me.

Eventually we eat a delicious dinner and hang around watching films, it's nice. It feels like we're normal for a while, no worries just chilling with our friends and boyfriends. The guys leave but our mates stay for another hour.

It ends too quickly and I feel my sadness return. I'm trying to put on a brave face but it's so hard. I want to move into the pack house, we haven't gone there yet because I didn't feel ready to meet the whole pack. "Luka" I whisper he hears me and turns to me "what is it?"

"I want to go, I want to move into the pack house. I hate feeling sad and unconfident when they're gone. Mother and father wouldn't like to see us unhappy, you know they would only want what's best for us. If you really, really don't want to go I'll stay but I'm just letting you know I'm ready to go". Day and Tay look happy but worried at this not knowing how Luka will react.

He thinks it over and I feel bad for him, it's a hard decision to have on shoulders. "Look ill mind link our dad and cancel our early training and we can stay the night. Let's give Luka time to think it over tonight and we can discuss it in the morning. Will that calm our little wolf for now?" Day asks. I'm so relieved they will stay I jump into his arms and kiss him like my life depended on it.

"I'll take it that means it will" laughs Dante behind me. "Yep, yep, yep" I say smiling. Luka says he's ok with it too, I can see he's happy to have time to think. I hope he chats with one of us about it so he knows he has help. We lock up and strip down to our boxers. I climb into the bed and the others follow, lucky we bought a king size because of me having nightmares and sleeping next to Luka. I fall asleep cuddled into Dante feeling rested and happy.

Twin mates for twin alphas - book one of the twin series boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now