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Damon's PoV

When we wake up from our nap we go meet Dante and Luka in the dining hall. We have breakfast together before Luka tells us he want to have an hour or two alone with his twin. My guess is he wants to discuss this morning and yesterday with him. We don't really want them to go because we don't know how long they will be staying here but we can't say any of that. They leave as soon as they've eaten.

Dante and I decide to go to our father for a chat about this situation we're in. I knock on his office door and walk straight in, well let me tell you I regret that decision. "Ewww, sheesh, get a room my poor innocent eyes didn't need to see that" I say. "Grow up we were just kissing, my mate is still a sexy man" my horrible mother tells me. "Goddess above mother leave before I banish you from the pack for being disgusting" I run to dodge my fathers punch. "Do not threaten my mate, your mother". "Ok chill big bear I'm joking" I say, hey don't judge he's only in his mid forties and he still works out.

"Get serious bro, dad we need to talk about uncle- actually just Greg he's no uncle of ours anymore" Dante says growling the last part. "I know, I can't believe he's been this insane, it's sad that his mate died but this is too much" my mother says wiping a tear from the corner of her eye. My dad goes to her to comfort her.

"I just want to go there and tell him to back off but by the sound of it he won't take it too well" my father says. We all agree with that. Then my mother asks the big question we've been avoiding "are they staying?". I feel momentary panic at the thought of them leaving. "We don't know and it's fucking killing us, we want to keep them here at any cost but won't force them. The worst fucking part is we're too chicken shit to just ask them!" I say letting my frustration show.

"If they leave they'll be back, I can see it in they're eyes they love you both so I'm sure they don't want to leave. Be patient! I'm looking at you Damon, you do not want to get upset and say something possessive, that's not going to work in your favour. They're your mates that means equals not ranked like pack members. Ok, now I love you both but get out so I can get back to loving my man" my mother advises then freaks us out with one speech.

"Mom seriously!,  now I know where he gets his inappropriate behaviour from" Dante says while pointing at me. "Hey! At least I'm fun" I pout. "Oh your a barrel of laughs all right" I can feel the sarcasm dripping from those lovely words.

We leave them to it, yuck if they're doing IT I do not want to know. "Let's go find our mates" I yell at Dante but nooo he says we have to go to the gym and let them be for a while. Spoilsport.

We workout for an hour and go shower after in the locker room attached to the pack gym. I'm starting to get fed up being here I want to get home, I know our betas Rory and Mason are running the pack well but we prefer to be there. When we get to our room door I am delighted to smell our mates are inside. I enter and go to hug them Luka stops me by raising his hand.

"I only wanted a hug" I say. "Sorry but we have something we need to discuss with you first" he says. Dante looks at me and I can tell he's not happy and is worried. We walk in and sit on the bed, well, I sit but jump right back up after Luka says "we're leaving today". Now on my feet I shout out the first thing that comes to mind "no you're fucking not!".

Dante's PoV

Shit his wolf is trying to take over so I do the only thing I can, I jump him. "Get out I'll find you in a little while when I calm him down". They leave immediately, Damon's reaction to me sending our mates away when he wants to dominate and mark them is not good. "How dare you send my mates away!" He demands. "Calm down now and give him back control. You scared them especially little one, are you proud of that? What if he's triggered over you?" He relaxes instantly. Worry, panic and sadness show on his face, "shit what did I do, I have to get to him, please tell me they didn't run over me" he rambles.

I know my words were harsh but they were true and he needed the kick in the behind anyway, I mean our mother just told him not to do that and did he listen no. He's just so impulsive I know he can't help it but I'm here to try stop him or do damage control when he does mess up. It's not very often he does this stuff but I know our mates are a touchy subject even more so now we know someone is out to get them. We are automatically more protective of them because of it.

I get up off him just as he's finished speaking, suddenly the door bursts open and I'm surprised but happy to see Lucas rush to Damon. He jumps into his arms and tells him "are you ok!? I was worried about you". Confused we look at Luka "he wouldn't walk away from the door" he says with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Didn't I scare you? I'm so sorry I didn't let you explain, it's just, first I was denied access to you both and then you tell me your leaving, I just panicked. Why are you leaving, are you breaking up with us?-". He starts to ramble again but Luka walks over removes Lucas from him, leans up and kisses him full force on the mouth. "Now calm down" he tells him once he pulls away they share a look and begin to laugh. I look at Lucas and he's as much in the dark as I am judging by the look on his face.

"When we had our chat after I accused you in the wrong that's how he calmed me down, with my first kiss" Luka says. Hum good trick I'll have to steal that one. "Ok explain please" I say.

"We have one month left in school and want to finish, we want to do it from our house" he says when he sees me going to talk. And yes I was just about to suggest they live with us and finish. It's frustrating but I let him continue. "Our parents wanted this for us, you can come over once a week in the evening, we will go to your pack lands one other evening a week and we will spend the whole weekend together. Yes that includes Friday and Sunday evening Damon" he says, again, knowing what we would bring up.

"We will have to take time to train and do homework but you will have to train and do pack business anyway so we can still do it together. I know you're going to hate this but it's the only way we can do it for now and it's only a month we'll be able to get to know each other better. We don't really love it either but feel it's necessary" he looks pained so I know it's true.

"I really don't like it but I'm going to respect your wishes and I know Damon is the same" he looks ready to cry but is being quiet. Our mate pull is very strong so we will all feel the effects of this decision. "Are you even staying this evening" Damon says like a child whose toy just got broken. "
It's Sunday so of course we are silly, now come on big man what are we gonna do for the rest of the day" Day lights up at the nickname from little one.

"Anything you want" he beams. "How about we snuggle up under blankets and watch movies, it's horrible out anyway" I suggest. They all agree and it calms our wolves for now.

Twin mates for twin alphas - book one of the twin series boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now