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Lukas PoV

We do as told and we run. I can sense Lucas' fear and I stick close to him. 'He's found us, I know he has, Luka what are we going to do' I hear him ask through our link. 'Just run for now bro, we have our mates and their betas  surrounding us. When we get to the pack house the warriors will protect us' I tell him.

We arrive quickly, we shift and dress. After that we meet the twins father in the alpha office. "Ok explain, please" I say to them all. I see Dante make his way to Lucas, he wraps his arms around him, probably fearing a panic attack from what they have to tell us. I'm glad he is so conscious of him, it allows me to focus on what's next.

"Look we get it, you don't come storming into our school for no reason so my guess is he's found us. I want to know how, what's been said and what's happening next please" I say after seeing how reluctant they were to tell us. Damon comes to me and holds my hand sensing I don't want to be held right now but knowing I need some form of contact.

"First off babe, we don't know how he found out so soon but we think it had to be someone in alpha Jace's pack because they're the only ones who knew about you. Second, he sent us a letter-" "show it to me" I cut Dante off. "Babe do you need to-" "yes I do, now please show it to me". Dante gets it from the desk and hands it to me. I feel Lucas attach himself to my free side, I don't want him to read it but I know I can't stop him just like the twins couldn't stop me.

What I read turns my stomach  but it hits Lucas worse, so much so, that he runs away from us and pukes in the bin by the desk. I go to him and rub his back, I start to sing softly to him. It's a song that our mother and father used to sing as a duo and it helps calm him down. When he's finished I take him to the couch and sit with him in my arms, I feel our mates sit at either side of me and as soon as we are surrounding him Lucas relaxes immediately.

"What are we going to do? We have to leave he'll hurt people again. He'll kill our mates Luka, I can't go through the that it will kill me" he whimpers. "Little one, nobody will hurt us we are stronger than him and have allies from the next three strongest packs. He could throw five thousand rouges at us and the packs ranked third and forth would annihilate them. Trust us we won't let him get you and we won't get hurt in the process" Damon says in a soothing voice.

Lucas leaves my lap, sits on his and tells him "ok big man I trust you to take care of us" Damon beams at him and kisses him softly. "Now the plan is we are going to his pack lands with our own demand to leave you alone or he will have his war" Damon tells us all. Ex alpha frank just nods while the betas say "ok sir".

"We leave tomorrow, we need to have our mates close today, our wolves are on high alert and need to have contact with them. Get twenty warrior wolves ready to leave first thing, have four prepared to be alert and around our mates for protection. Make sure they are our top four so that's, John, Rhys, Paul and Nick. All clear!" Dante says in the most sternest voice I've heard from him.

Hearing him and seeing him like this turns me on, I didn't think it would but he's so in control and looks so serious it's sexy. I look at Damon and he's as stern as his brother it makes me want to do things nobody should do in front of their future father in law. I notice Lucas is starting to wriggle on Damon's lap, 'huh looks like I'm not the only one affected' I think to myself.

Lucas' PoV

"Out. Now!" Damon orders. The room clears. He tilts my face to his and asks "why can I smell your arousal little one? Yours too Luka?". I try to hide my blush especially when Luka, who I think, is too turned on to care or he's just bolder than me, replies "your both so sexy when your all alpha like that".

"That's it room now!" Dante growls this only turns me on more, what can I say I'm with my hunky mates and they're being controlling. We get up and go straight to the room. The minute we enter I am picked up and thrown onto the bed. Next thing Luka bounces down next to me.

I look up at the twins wondering why they're not doing anything. Dante speaks up "we as brothers have a special bond so we never minded if we saw each other aroused or taking care of the problem ourselves, if you catch my drift. We don't know what your both like about this. We can separate and play or we can play in front of each other, it's your choice".

I look at Luka and we laugh "we would like to play together,while we wouldn't do anything sexual to each other but watching it happen to the other would be a turn on" Luka says. They look relieved. "Good because watching either of you get taken by Dante would be as exciting as ever. Now we've been holding back our wolves as I'm sure you have but I am warning you if we start this today we won't stop until your both fucked senseless and marked. It's up to you we can go for a run to try calm -" Damon tells us.

"We want it" I say shyly. I know it seems soon but not in the werewolf world, we normally mate and mark within the first twenty four hours. Luka just smiles and nods when they look at him to see if he's sure. "Last question who goes with who first?"  Dante asks. "Em.. Er.. Ikindawanteddamontobemyfirst" Luka mumbles he's blushing I think is hilarious. "Ok repeat please" Dante tells him. "I kind of wanted Damon to be my first. I'm sorry if you get offended Tay" he says.

Dante climbs on top of him and kisses him then whispers to him "I'm happy you could put your needs first, well done babe. Now I will never mind we will have our time straight after anyway" "thank you love" Luka responds. "Is it ok if I'm your first" he asks me leaving Luka. "It's what I wanted so of course it is" I say. He smiles brightly "things worked out for the best we kinda wanted it this way too".

"Guyssss, enough chit chat" Damon whines. He's the most dominant out of us but acts like the biggest child when we're all together. He climbs on the bed kisses me with force and I love it "can't wait to play little one" I just smile at him. I'm nervous but I know they will be easy on us unless asked not to. I take a breath and look up at Dante he leans down and kisses me I hum and just think to myself 'here we go'.

Twin mates for twin alphas - book one of the twin series boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now