chap 13

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Jude chuckled, feeling the excitement building as they approached the training facility. He parked the car in a nearby parking lot and turned to Juliette with a grin.

"Alright, here we are. Welcome to my little domain, the training facility. Are you ready to be wowed by my football skills and undeniable charm?"

Juliette smiled, feeling a mixture of anticipation and amusement. "I'll be watching you in the stands."

Jude chuckled, admiring Juliette's confidence. "Alright then, I'll make sure to put on a good show for you. And who knows, maybe I'll even dedicate a goal to you if I score a particularly impressive one," he said, winking at her as he got out of the car and grabbed his gear bag.

Juliette got out too, feeling a bit more at ease. "Don't be so sure of yourself, I'm still your hater," she smiled.

Jude laughed. "Ah, of course, can't forget that you're my hater. But trust me, it won't stop me from trying my best and winning you over one goal at a time," he said, slinging his gear bag over his shoulder and heading towards the training facility, Juliette beside him.

Juliette chuckled, enjoying the playful banter. "I'm not sure about that. I still love to mock you," she smirked.

Jude shook his head in amusement. "I knew you'd say that. I guess I'll just have to work extra hard to make sure you're too impressed to mock me," he said, glancing over at Juliette as they walked through the facility. He was definitely feeling a mix of nerves and excitement about having her watch his practice. But he was also secretly enjoying the back-and-forth banter.

Juliette smiled, feeling a bit of a thrill. "Then I'll see. Impress me," she said before heading to the stands as Jude went to his teammates.

Jude nodded, smiling back at Juliette before heading over to his teammates who were already gathered by the field. He greeted them with a few high-fives and brief hellos before getting himself sorted. As he stood among his team, he couldn't help but glance over at Juliette in the stands, feeling a mixture of nerves and determination to show off his skills.

As the coach blew the whistle, signaling the start of the training session, the players started passing the ball around, dribbling, and practicing their shots. Jude, of course, showed off his talent, making impressive shots and tricks that drew gasps of admiration from the crowd. He glanced over at Juliette in the stands, hoping her smirk had turned into a look of awe.

Juliette watched intently, feeling a mix of curiosity and admiration. She took her phone and snapped some pictures of the training and Jude. One of her pictures turned out really good, and she posted it on her Instagram story. She then got back to watching Jude. She was actually enjoying spending time here.

As the training session went on, Jude continued to show off his skills, dribbling past his opponents and making precision shots. He couldn't help but glance over at Juliette in the stands every now and then, wondering if she still had that familiar smirk on her face. Eventually, after several minutes of intense training, the coach called for the players to stop and gather around for instructions. Despite his exhaustion, Jude felt a buzz of excitement knowing that he had given a good performance.

Seeing Juliette's interest and support from the stands, he couldn't help but feel a strange sense of contentment. As the team dispersed and Jude put away his gear, he approached Juliette, feeling a mix of confidence and a hint of vulnerability.

"So, what did you think? Was I impressive enough for you or do I still need to work on my charm?" Jude asked, smiling.

Juliette chuckled, feeling a bit coy. "Hmm, not so bad," she teased.

Jude smiled, feeling encouraged by Juliette's response. "Good to know I'm at least 'not so bad'. I'll take that as a compliment. But I'm not content with just being 'not so bad'. I'll continue to impress you until you can't help but admit that I'm more than just 'not so bad'," he teased, a hint of playfulness in his voice.

Juliette pulled out her phone and showed him her Instagram story. "At least you looked not so ugly in my picture."

Jude leaned in to look at the picture, feeling flattered. "Wow, not so ugly you say? I'll take that as a huge compliment coming from a tough customer like you. I must be doing something right if even my 'hater' can acknowledge my impressive skills and good looks."

Juliette rolled her eyes, amused. "You're still not impressive or gorgeous," she smirked.

Jude raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips. "Oh really? Not impressive or gorgeous? Well, that just sounds like a challenge to me. I'm always up for a little competition, especially when it comes to winning over a tough critic like you," he said, feeling a thrill of excitement at the thought of proving himself to Juliette.

Juliette laughed, enjoying the banter. "I like being your biggest hater actually."

Jude chuckled at Juliette's declaration. "Oh, I know you do. You love nothing more than being my toughest critic and biggest hater. But that's okay, I'm up for the challenge. Nothing brings me more satisfaction than winning over the toughest crowd. And who knows, I might even make you into a fan one day."

"You wish, Mister Bellingham," Juliette chuckled.

Jude laughed, feeling amused by Juliette's constant dismissal. "Yes, I wish for many things, including for you to acknowledge my impressive skills and good looks. But for now, I'll settle for being your favorite person to hate. It's more entertaining than being ignored anyway."

Juliette laughed. "If you're happy with it, then perfect."

Jude grinned, feeling a sense of contentment and amusement. "Oh, I'm so happy about it. Nothing makes me feel more alive than being the object of your hatred and having you constantly underestimate me. It just fuels my desire to prove you wrong. So, keep the hate coming. I'll just keep getting better and better."

Juliette smiled, feeling a bit of warmth. "I'm sure you will."

Jude chuckled, feeling a sense of warmth spread through him as Juliette smiled at him. Maybe she was starting to soften up after all. But he kept his cool, not wanting to give in to her charms. "Oh, I guarantee it. I'll work harder every day just to make you hate me more and more. You'll see, soon you'll be asking for my autograph and photos."

Juliette rolled her eyes, amused. "Sure, whatever you say."

Jude chuckled, feeling entertained by Juliette's eye-rolls. "Oh, I see how it is. Trying to play it cool by rolling your eyes, huh? But I see through you. You're secretly enjoying this banter, aren't you? Just admit it, you like hating me."

"I love hating you," Juliette admitted with a grin.

Jude grinned, feeling a strange sense of triumph. "Well, in that case, you're in luck. I happen to love being hated by you. We make a great team. Me, the charming, handsome football player, and you, the tough, sarcastic hater. Together, we're unstoppable."

Juliette laughed, strangely appreciating Jude's company. "Okay, that was act—" She was interrupted by one of the Real Madrid players calling Jude: Rodrygo.

Jude's attention suddenly snapped to the player calling him. "Yeah, what's up, Rodrygo?" he yelled back. He turned back to Juliette, feeling a bit annoyed at the interruption.

"I'll wait for you near your car," Juliette said with a smile.

Jude nodded, feeling a mix of disappointment and excitement. "Alright. I won't be too long," he said, giving Juliette a small smile before turning back to his teammates.

Juliette headed back to the car as Jude went to see Rodrygo. Maybe Jude really did change ? Maybe he was actually not the same anymore ?

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