chap 10

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It was a Monday morning, and Jude started his day like any other, by working out in his home gym. He had music blasting through his headphones as he did push-ups. His mind was focused on nothing but exercise until he began to feel someone's gaze on him. He lifted his head up and saw Juliette standing by the doorway, watching him with a look that he could never quite read. Without saying a word, he sighed and took off his headphones.

"Need something?" Jude asked.

"My phone. I forgot it at your stupid birthday," she replied.

Jude rolled his eyes, already annoyed with her presence. "Fine. Just make it quick."

He stood up from his workout mat and began walking to his bedroom, expecting Juliette to follow him. Once he retrieved her phone from his bedroom, he handed it to her.

Juliette took her phone without saying a word.

Jude silently handed her phone over, his annoyance still apparent on his face. He crossed his arms over his chest and raised an eyebrow. "Is that all? Can you please leave now?"

Juliette left again without saying a word, clearly pissed at him.

Once Juliette finally left, Jude sighed and shook his head in annoyance. He couldn't understand why she had to act like such a child. He quickly resumed his workout routine, determined not to let her ruin his day.

As Juliette left his house, she saw his mum coming back. She tried to avoid her.

Jude's mum, Karen, noticed Juliette trying to avoid her and immediately walked closer towards her. "Juliette, darling, is everything alright? You seem upset..." she said in her usual warm and friendly tone, concern in her voice.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to bother you," Juliette sighed.

Karen shook her head and gave Juliette a comforting smile. "No, no, it's not a bother at all, dear. I genuinely care about you. What's bothering you? Is everything okay with Jude?"

"It's okay... everything is fine," Juliette sighed again.

Karen gave Juliette a sympathetic look, sensing that she wasn't completely telling the truth. "Are you sure, Juliette? You can talk to me, dear. I'm always here to listen."

"Actually, yes, your son. I knew it was a bad idea to come to the club with him... He just humiliated me, saying I looked pathetic and weak. He even said that he was happy to finally be able to bully me again like in high school," Juliette admitted.

Karen's expression immediately turned into one of shock and disappointment. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. "What?" she gasped, her eyes filled with disbelief. "My son said that to you? I don't know why he would do that. I'll have a word with him, this is unacceptable! Jude needs to learn how to treat people properly, especially you."

"No, please no. It will just make it worse... I tried to be nice to your son for you but I can't... I'm sorry," Juliette sighed.

Karen's face softened, she understood the situation. She placed a gentle hand on Juliette's shoulder, giving her a comforting smile. "I understand, sweetheart. Don't worry about it, I won't force you to be nice to him if you don't want to. You don't deserve to be treated like that by anyone, especially Jude."

Juliette smiled softly at Karen.

Karen reciprocated the smile, feeling relieved that Juliette seemed happier. "Please try not to take anything he says seriously. Jude tends to act immature and say things he doesn't mean. He has a lot of growing up to do, but I'm sure he'll come around eventually. And I'm always here if you need anything, okay, dear?"

"Thank you so much," Juliette replied.

Karen smiled affectionately. "Of course, dear. You don't have to thank me. I just want you to feel appreciated and cared for. You mean a lot to me, Juliette. Please remember that."

"You too, you're the closest person I know here," Juliette said.

Karen's eyes filled with warmth and affection at Juliette's statement. She felt touched by her words. "Oh, sweetie, that means the world to me. You're like family to me as well, and I'm always here for you, no matter what. Don't hesitate to reach out if you ever need anything, okay?"

"I will," Juliette smiled.

Karen smiled back, feeling reassured by Juliette's words. She reached out and gave her a warm hug, wanting to show her care and support. "Take care, my dear. And don't let Jude get you down, alright?"

Juliette nodded and left for her house.

Karen watched Juliette walk back to her house, feeling satisfied that she was in a better mood now. She couldn't help but feel a mix of disappointment and exasperation at her son's behavior. She knew she needed to have a serious talk with him.

Meanwhile, Jude was still working out in his gym, completely unaware of the conversation that had just taken place.

After a while, Jude finished his latest workout and wiped the sweat from his brow with a towel. As he walked out of his home gym, he spotted Karen standing in the hallway with her arms crossed and a stern look on her face. He knew that look all too well—he was about to be lectured by his mother.

"Hey, Mom. What's wrong?" Jude asked.

Karen took a deep breath, trying to keep her composure. "Jude, we need to talk. I just spoke with Juliette, and she told me what you said to her at the party. Is it true? Did you really say those hurtful things to her?"

Jude felt his stomach drop. "What? Mom, it was just banter. I was just trying to mess with her like I always do, it's not a big deal," he said, trying to act nonchalant about the whole situation.

Karen frowned and shook her head. "No, Jude. It is a big deal. You can't just say whatever you want to people and call it 'banter.' You know how much her family has struggled, and you call her weak and pathetic in front of other people? It's unacceptable, Jude. You know better than that. I raised you better than that."

Jude felt a pang of guilt at his mother's words, but he quickly brushed it off and tried to defend himself. "But Mom, she's always been such a pain in my ass! She's always there giving me attitude and making snide remarks every chance she gets! She always wants to bring me down. She deserves it."

"No, Jude, she doesn't deserve it. If you don't like her, that's fine, but you can't just be cruel to her like that," Karen said, furrowing her brow, feeling disappointed. She looked at her son, her expression stern but with a hint of sadness. "I just don't understand why you can't just be a kinder person towards her, especially after she went through so much with her family's struggles. You have a platform and a voice, and I know you can be better."

Jude looked down, feeling somewhat scolded and embarrassed. But he still didn't fully understand why his mother was being so protective over Juliette. "Whatever, Mom. She just brings out the worst in me. But I won't say anything like that to her again, okay? Can we drop it now?"

Karen hesitated, still feeling frustrated by Jude's lack of empathy. She took a breath and nodded. "Fine. But Jude, just remember that words have consequences. Think before you speak next time. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some groceries to put away. I'll see you later," she said a bit sternly, and then turned to walk away.

Jude nodded to his mother, watching her walk away. He felt a bit shaken by her scolding, but he quickly regained his ego. "Whatever..." he mumbled, before walking away to his room for the night. Even though he acted like he didn't care, deep down he was feeling a bit guilty about what he said to Juliette.

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