chap 37

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As the evening descended upon Madrid, Juliette found herself at the restaurant, waiting anxiously for Karen to arrive. Her heart was heavy with the weight of the conversation she knew was coming. The tension from her earlier meeting with Militao still lingered in her mind, making her feel both eager and apprehensive about what Karen might say.

When Karen finally walked into the restaurant, her presence brought a wave of comfort to Juliette. Karen's warm smile and open arms offered a brief respite from the turmoil inside her.

Karen embraced her tightly, the affection palpable. "Oh my god, Karen, I missed you so much," Juliette said, her voice betraying a mix of joy and relief. It had been too long since she had felt such unconditional warmth from someone she cared about.

Karen pulled back slightly, her hands resting on Juliette's shoulders as she looked her over with a maternal pride. "Sweetheart, I missed you too! How have you been?"

Juliette smiled, trying to sound upbeat despite the emotional storm she was caught in. "I'm good! I finally finished my exams."

Karen's face lit up with genuine excitement. "That's amazing, Juliette! I knew you'd do great. All those hours of studying have paid off." Her pride was evident, and it made Juliette's heart swell with affection.

Juliette nodded, the conversation taking a more serious turn. "I have three weeks to decide if I go back to France or stay in Spain." She said it casually, but the decision weighed heavily on her, a crossroads she wasn't ready to face alone.

Karen looked at her with a mixture of surprise and curiosity. "Wow, that's a big decision to make. Have you given it some thought? What are you leaning towards?"

Juliette hesitated, her uncertainty spilling over. "I don't really know actually..." She trailed off, her voice small.

Karen reached out, her hand resting on Juliette's, a comforting gesture that Juliette had missed so much. "It's okay not to know, sweetheart. It's a big decision. Have you talked to Jude about it?"

At the mention of Jude, Juliette's heart tightened. She looked down, unable to meet Karen's eyes. "Oh... You don't know..." Her voice was filled with an aching sadness.

Karen's face immediately grew concerned. She had always been able to sense when something was wrong with Juliette, and now was no different. "What's wrong, Juliette? What don't I know?"

Juliette felt a lump form in her throat as she prepared to open up about the tangled web of emotions and mistakes she had been living in. For the next thirty minutes, she laid everything bare her complicated feelings for Jude, the pain of the bet, the confusion with Alejandro, and finally, the heartbreaking encounter in Barcelona. As she spoke, she could see the shifting emotions on Karen's face : shock, concern, and a deep sadness that mirrored her own.

When she finally finished, Juliette looked up, her voice trembling. "And here it is... You didn't see him recently? I know you two don't live together anymore, but..."

Karen shook her head slowly, processing everything Juliette had just revealed. "No, I haven't seen Jude lately. We talk and text, but he hasn't come over or anything. He's been busy with training and games... and apparently, other things too."

Juliette felt a pang of guilt. "I'm sorry..." she whispered, feeling as if she had somehow let Karen down by being part of what was hurting Jude.

Karen's expression softened as she gave Juliette a small, reassuring smile. "Don't apologize, sweetheart. It's not your fault."

There was a pause, the air between them thick with unspoken thoughts. Karen finally broke the silence, her tone gentle but probing. "Can I ask you something?"

Second chance ~ Jude BellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now