chap 29

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Jude takes a deep breath and answers the phone, bracing himself for the conversation that's about to follow.

"What do you want?" Jude says into the phone.

Alejandro's voice comes through the line, sounding surprised and irritated. "Who's that?!"

Jude rolls his eyes at Alejandro's surprise. "Why do you care? Who do you think it is?"

Alejandro sounds confused and slightly frustrated. "I don't know. But who the hell are you and why do you have Juliette's phone?!"

Jude grits his teeth, his irritation returning. "She asked me to answer it. She doesn't want to talk to you."

"What? Why?! Is Juliette with you? Lemme talk to her." Alejandro seems baffled by this revelation.

Jude rolls his eyes again, his grip tightening on the phone. "Of course she's with me, idiot. And I already told you, she doesn't want to talk to you."

Alejandro starts raising his voice. "What the hell?! Move aside and give her the phone right now!"

Jude's anger boils at Alejandro's audacity. "Listen here, you arrogant prick. Don't tell me what to do. You're the one who cheated on her, remember? You don't deserve to talk to her."

Alejandro scoffs. "You're the one who's picking up her damn phone, answering her calls. She's MY girlfriend."

Jude feels the anger rising within him as Alejandro insists that Juliette is his "girlfriend." "Yeah well not anymore, dickhead. You lost that privilege when you went and cheated on her."

Alejandro doesn't back down. "Shut up, mate. Just because I cheated ONCE, doesn't mean it's over. Where's Juliette? And you didn't even tell me who the hell you are!"

Jude's growing more annoyed at Alejandro's stubbornness. "It's Jude Bellingham, and I don't see how that matters. And you cheated once, but that's already too much. Juliette deserves to be with someone who respects and cares about her."

Alejandro sneers. "Jude Bellingham, huh? The footballer. No wonder she's with you, she clearly needs a shoulder to cry on." He says sarcastically.

Jude bristles at Alejandro's dig but manages to keep his cool. "You're one to talk. I'm not the one making her cry. And yeah, I might be a footballer but at least I'm not a cheating scumbag."

Alejandro laughs bitterly. "Oh, spare me the righteous act, mate. You and I both know what footballers are like off the field. I bet you've got a girl in every city you play in."

Jude scoffs, his irritation reaching its limits. "That's where you're wrong. Not all of us are like you, mate. And even if I did have a girl in every city, that doesn't excuse you from cheating on Juliette. You're trying real hard to justify your actions, aren't you?"

Alejandro snaps back at Jude. "Oh, so you're a saint now? You've never had a one-night stand or anything? I find that hard to believe."

Jude sighs, his patience wearing thin. "I won't deny that I've had my fair share of fun. But when I'm in a relationship, I'm loyal. It's not that hard to grasp, mate."

Alejandro laughs cynically. "You make it sound so easy, mate. Like you're the perfect gentleman. But people like us, we're always surrounded by temptation. You're telling me you can resist everything, huh?"

Jude's lips curl into a smirk. "I've turned down more offers than you could imagine, mate. It's called having integrity and respect for the person you're with. Something you clearly lack."

Alejandro sounds annoyed now. "Fine, mister perfect. I bet you have a whole different story when it comes to girls like Juliette. She's beautiful, isn't she?"

Jude feels a pang of possessiveness as Alejandro mentions Juliette's beauty. "What about it? She is beautiful, what's your point?"

Alejandro chuckles darkly. "Oh, nothing. I just find it interesting that you're so defensive when it comes to her. You act like you're her knight in shining armor. Are you sure there's nothing going on between you?"

Jude scoffs, feeling a mix of irritation and defensiveness. "Of course there's nothing going on, you idiot. I'm just trying to look out for Juliette, something you clearly failed to do when you cheated on her."

Alejandro remains skeptical. "Uh huh, sure. You really expect me to believe that? You wouldn't be acting so possessive and protective of her if you didn't have some kind of feelings for her."

Jude grits his teeth, annoyed by how accurate Alejandro's comment is. "Whatever, mate. You can think whatever you want. The only reason I'm being protective of her is because you hurt her, and I'm not just gonna stand here and let you get away with it."

Alejandro lets out a derisive laugh. "Right, because you're such a hero. Saving the girl from the 'bad guy'. I bet she's eating up all the attention you're giving her, isn't she?"

Jude feels a pang of guilt and confusion at Alejandro's words, knowing that there's some truth to them. "You know what? This conversation is pointless. I'm not gonna sit here and listen to you talk trash about Juliette. And for your information, she's not 'eating up all the attention' I'm giving her. She's hurt and needs support, which is more than she ever got from you."

Alejandro scoffs. "Support, huh? Is that what you're calling it? Sounds more like flirting to me. I bet she's already moved on from me and onto you, hasn't she?"

Jude bristles at Alejandro's insinuation. He knows his feelings for Juliette are complicated, but he's not about to admit that to Alejandro. "And if she did, it's because you cheated on her, idiot. You lost the right to be jealous when you decided to screw around with other people."

Alejandro's voice becomes sharp. "What is this, some kind of sick game to you? You think you can just sweep in and play the knight in shining armor and win her over? Well, let me tell you something - she might seem vulnerable right now, but deep down she's still in love with me. She'll come back to me eventually, mark my words."

Jude rolls his eyes, his irritation and possessiveness growing stronger. "Oh, really? Because from what I'm seeing, she's done with you, mate. She's crying and heartbroken, and it's all because of your stupid actions. And who do you think she's come running to, huh? Not you. Me."

Alejandro's expression falters for a moment, but he quickly regains his cocky demeanor. "That's just because you're the one she's leaning on right now. She's vulnerable and emotional, she's not thinking clearly. Once she calms down, she's gonna realize she still loves me."

Jude scoffs. "Yeah, keep telling yourself that. But deep down, you know she's never gonna take you back. You screwed up, and you can't just expect her to forgive you and go back to you just like that. She deserves someone who won't cheat on her, and that's obviously not you."

Alejandro becomes more defensive, clearly feeling threatened by Jude's words. "You think you're so much better than me, huh? You think you can just step in and fix everything, swoop her off her feet and be the perfect white knight?"

Jude's annoyance turns into anger at Alejandro's accusations. "This isn't about who's better, mate. It's about you screwing up and me trying to help Juliette deal with it. But since you're so quick to judge and make assumptions, I guess you never really cared about her anyway. Fuck you."

Jude hangs up the phone, his anger still simmering.

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